Its my 1st year into weightlifting and i never cutted to start i started at about 25-27%bf at 6"2 with no muscle max bench was 90lbs
Now a year has passed an ive dropped 5%bf and raised my max bench to about 325 for a rep
My diet is very poor with relying off of protein powders for my protein intake averaging about 70g a day and alot of kidney beans white rice , ceareals with sugars, peanutbutter an honey sandwiches, the odd whopper wedsneday every month and a bag of chips evey 2 weeks
I have lots of concerns tho
On my shoulders where my shoulder would meet. My chest just above there ive got some nasty strech marks as well as on my biceps and aome adding just recently just below the bicep on the joint where the bicep and forearm meet
Is my high bodyfat going to cause my gains to stop because there is no room? My goal is just to get as big as possible as fast as possible and as cheap as possible . Will cutting help me gain more muscle mass? I have about a 2300 calorie diet with most coming from carbs. Will a 3000 calorie diet add more muscle mass based on me so far or will it add to fat?
Eventually i want to be down to 15%bf as my main goal but can i do that by just staking mass and making the mass hypothetically eat the fat over time?
And how does everyone afford there diets like what are your personal bills for diet coming to every month?
Sry for any spelling mistakea on typing on a phone and any advice/answers are overly appreciated!!