Ok, the last thread I made about the hamstring tightness really helped me out, as I can almost touch the floor now. So, I thought I would ask you guys once again to help me out…
My left shoulder/scapula looks strange in all my photos. I’m not certain what is wrong with it. I think I may have some sort of scapula issue.
For awhile now, I’ve been using a wobbly bench which forces me to put most of the weight on my right side. I fixed the bench today(it was missing screws) after I realized the bench may have been causing my scapula issue.
I’m going to post a photo of my back in my next post. If you guys need better photos just ask me…Hopefully, some of you guys can help me out…

I think my left scapula looks tilted down
And I thought just bench pressing alone was dangerous enough.
Need pics and your routine before I can give my bad advice, but I’ll start with saying foam rolling and bent over lat flys.
Is one weaker than the other?
any pain,or reduced ROM?
I don’t have any pain…
The only weakness I have in different limbs is my left external rotator strength is weaker than my right shoulder’s…
Also, when I do rows, I find it hard to contract my back muscles on my left side…It feels like I’m mainly using my rear delt and upper trap but not the rest of my back muscles…I guess the best way to describe it is that it feels really stiff on any row movement…
another thing is that when I hold my arms out in front of me that my right arm seems more protracted than my left…
another image of my back…