Some background:
I’m 40 years old 6foot4 and 299 pounds as of this morning.
my body fat is about 17% or so. I have been doing Martial Arts (Gong Fu) for a little over 20 years now. In terms of weight training I have been pretty sporadic, but have been in the gym for about the last 6 months and don’t plan on stopping any time soon. I am an artist by profession and have just made the move to doing it full time (harder than you might think). This allows me a fair amount of flexibility to work out. Yay!
Previous workouts: I did the advanced V-diet workout (but not the diet(more on that later)) and a slightly modified version of the Dr. Darden arm blaster for the last two weeks. I have always done TB workouts in the past, with an emphasis on strength. I want to mix it up a bit though so I have chosen a 4 day split, for a real change of pace.
Goals: At the moment I want to reduce my BF% to 8 and keep my existing strength. Realistically I expect this to go down a bit, but in the past I have managed to drop a lot of fat merely by lifting, with minimal cardio. I would also like to increase my endurance a bit too, but I’m not focusing on this at the moment.
In aid of this I am easing into the T-dwag diet. I have started eating whole no-starch foods for the most part (veggies!), have been upping my protein in an attempt to get 400g per day. I have not yet dialed in my calories but I am trying for an average of 3500 a day (probably should be more like 4000). I started a food log today as well.
So, here’s the workout plan…
Chest and Biceps
Incline bench 3x3
Hammer chest 3x10
Dips to failure (rest-pause)
Rev EZ curl 3x3 (standing)
Zottman curls 3x10
Alternating Incline dumbbell curls to failure (rest-pause)
Deadlift 3x3
Leg Press 3x12
Hack Squat Machine 3x12
Leg Extensions to failure (rest-pause)
Ghetto GHR�??s to failure (?) we�??ll se about this one�?�
Calf raises 3x10
Weighted Pull-ups 3x3 (varying grips)
Hanging Power cleans 3x8
Hammer Seated Row to failure (rest-pause)
Dumbbell Rear Delt raise 3x10
Shoulders and Triceps
Push Press 3x3
Dumbbell Press 3x8
Lateral Raise to failure (rest-pause)
French Press 3x3
Strict Pushdowns 3x8
Reverse Grip Pushdowns to failure (rest-pause)
Saturday and Sunday
Progression: on the first lift per body part I am going to add weight in small increments
On the rest add reps to a max of 15 the go up in weight. Leg exercises I will go to a max of 20 reps before adding weight.
Ummm.This is getting rather long…
If anyone has any advice, input, or critique please feel free to chime in.