Wow, that WS4SB III looks good!
Actually, fellas, I do lift, but I do it in more of a cross training way.
I’m following my own program that borrows a lot from the MMA strength & conditioning program that I found in a Jason Ferruggia’s book called “Fit to Fight”.
So, I usually do push/pull type of of strength training. Usually when I lift it’s for 2 body parts at once.
I usually go for 4x6 reps with a heavy weight and when I get comfortable with that, I go for 4x8 a couple of times before adding more weight.
This is kind of what I’ve been doing so far:
chest/back day:
incline db press,
1 arm punch press/serratus press
pullups (from a dead hang)
standing military press
pullups with my feet propped up on a medicine ball so my body is horizontal (for the rear delts)
db shrugs
tricep push press
goblet squats (I have a knee injury)
calf raises
In almost every workout I incorporate abdominal, core, and lower back training.
I do HIT cardio after working out 3 times a week.
I do an hour of steady state cardio once a week
I do a bodyweight conditioning circuit once a week.
So, I guess I will be looking to restructure my workouts a little bit to build them around the major lifts.
I want to start deadlifting real bad, but I don’t know how my knee will react to it, I have a torn meniscus that doesn’t respond well to certain types of movement.