My New Diet + Routine, Advice?

I recently got off the V-Diet with amazing results. I’m continuing to cut body fat, while making good gains in the weight room.

200 lbs
10-15% bf

Meal 1:
2 whole eggs
1/2 cup egg white
1/2 Cup oats

Meal 2:
Handful of Almonds

Meal 3:
1 can tuna
hot sauce
wheat crackers

Meal 4:
1 Chicken breast
vinaigrette dressing

Meal 5:
1 Hamburger Steak
1 slice Cheese

Meal 6:
Cottage Cheese
Flax seed
Small amount of jam

-1 Fish oil

-2 scoops Surge Recovery
-1 scoop creatine
-1 fish oil

Fish oil
Surge Recovery
Rhodiola Rosea
NOX- CG3 (I got it really cheap so that’s the only reason I have it)

Total Calories: 2060, 2390 on workout days
Total Fat: 90g, 94.5g on workout days
Total carbs: 97g, 141g on workout days
Total Protein: 216g, 241g on workout days


Squats and pull ups are my weakest points so I am going to focus on those exercises.

6x3 Squats
3x10 pull ups
6x3 Rows
3x10 Lat Pulldown
4x8 Shrugs

4x6 Bicep Curls
6x3 DB Bench press
3x8 DB Flyes
3x8 Wrist Curls

3x10 Leg press
5x5 Cable pulldowns
6x3 Deadlift
5x5 Calf Press


5x5 Squats
3x10 Chin ups
6x3 Dips
3x8 Tricep Pulldowns
5x5 Overhead DB press
2x6 Side Raises
2x6 Back raises

Sat+Sun off

Any critiques or advice is welcomed.

Only thing I can really say is that if you are going to train heavy and ligth for teh same muscles in the same workout, then start with the heavy. For example, start with rows for 6x3 and end with pullups for 3x10

Only thing I can really say is that if you are going to train heavy and ligth for teh same muscles in the same workout, then start with the heavy. For example, start with rows for 6x3 and end with pullups for 3x10

I think if you lost the diet, ate 6-7 meals every day and trained hard you’d see better progress in regards to size and strength.

[quote]xb-C wrote:
I think if you lost the diet, ate 6-7 meals every day and trained hard you’d see better progress in regards to size and strength.[/quote]

yea but he just stated he’s coming off the V-Diet and if he just goes crazy on the eats then that can bring a boat load of problems… and thats assuming since he was on the V-Diet from the get go he wants to stay lean…

Thumbs up bro and i think your doing just right!!!

[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
<<< I’m continuing to cut body fat, while making good gains in the weight room. >>>[/quote]

This will not continue indefinitely and there is a world of difference between 10 and 15% BF which means you don’t know which is actually fine. You didn’t say what results you got from the V-Diet. If you lost a bunch of fat and ended up in the mid teens somewhere for BF, that’s not the way I would have done it, but it put you in a pretty good position to pursue some gains. If you are actually around 10%, which I really doubt, you may find staying there while continuing to grow difficult.

Dare I ask, what are your goals?

[quote]BMArias15 wrote:
xb-C wrote:
I think if you lost the diet, ate 6-7 meals every day and trained hard you’d see better progress in regards to size and strength.

yea but he just stated he’s coming off the V-Diet and if he just goes crazy on the eats then that can bring a boat load of problems… and thats assuming since he was on the V-Diet from the get go he wants to stay lean…

Thumbs up bro and i think your doing just right!!![/quote]

Well good luck trying to stay lean with the intentions of gaining size and strength.

[quote]dankid wrote:
Only thing I can really say is that if you are going to train heavy and ligth for teh same muscles in the same workout, then start with the heavy. For example, start with rows for 6x3 and end with pullups for 3x10[/quote]

The way I posted it isn’t the exact order I do my workout in.

[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
Ripsaw3689 wrote:
<<< I’m continuing to cut body fat, while making good gains in the weight room. >>>

This will not continue indefinitely and there is a world of difference between 10 and 15% BF which means you don’t know which is actually fine. You didn’t say what results you got from the V-Diet. If you lost a bunch of fat and ended up in the mid teens somewhere for BF, that’s not the way I would have done it, but it put you in a pretty good position to pursue some gains. If you are actually around 10%, which I really doubt, you may find staying there while continuing to grow difficult.

Dare I ask, what are your goals?[/quote]

I would say I’m a little under 15% bf. When I’m under 10% I have a good bicep vein and it is becoming noticeable now. I went from 210 lbs to 200 lbs on the v-diet.

As for my goals, I want to be huge and compete by the end of the year, but I wanted to drop bf and get a good clean start again.

And I always make gains in the gym, and I continued to even on the v-diet.

[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
Ripsaw3689 wrote:
<<< I’m continuing to cut body fat, while making good gains in the weight room. >>>

This will not continue indefinitely and there is a world of difference between 10 and 15% BF which means you don’t know which is actually fine. You didn’t say what results you got from the V-Diet.

If you lost a bunch of fat and ended up in the mid teens somewhere for BF, that’s not the way I would have done it, but it put you in a pretty good position to pursue some gains. If you are actually around 10%, which I really doubt, you may find staying there while continuing to grow difficult.

Dare I ask, what are your goals?[/quote]

“If you are actually around 10%, which I really doubt, you may find staying there while continuing to grow difficult”.

I have had a problem with that myself. In your opinion, what BF level is just right. I know, I could just eat until I gain weight, but I would like to eat just right, stay lean and still grow muscle, but at 48 yrs old, I don’t want to go to far.

BB used to say " keep your abs just barely visible and you would be fine. What do you think? I have to go by the mirror, I would not pay for any BF measurements.