My Mom...

You think that’s bad? My mom has been overweight (close to 300lbs at 5’ 5’') practically since I was born. I was overweight most of my childhood into my teenage years and then decided to lose some weight my senior year of high school and dropped 80lbs. Since then I’ve been trying to convince her to do the same with no results. All she does is bitch and moan and NEVER takes responsibility for what she eats.

Every time I try and bring it up it just leads to huge arguments ending in us not talking for months. She’s going into her late fifties and has been carrying this weight for over 20 years. She also used to smoke for about 30 years. I have accepted that she may die at moment from a heart attack. It’s hard to watch but it’s not like I don’t try and help her. Everyone needs to take responsibility of their own lives.

get her on an ECA stack, it will give her some energy and curb her hunger. i also have a feeling she is just going through the motions with her workout rather than really doing it…

[quote]clockworkchad wrote:
i also have a feeling she is just going through the motions with her workout rather than really doing it… [/quote]

She’s probably not pushing herself hard enough. Offer to be her workout partner for a while (if it’s not too embarassing for you to go to the gym with your mother). Offer advice, check her form and accountability.

[quote]Yo Momma wrote:

[quote]clockworkchad wrote:
i also have a feeling she is just going through the motions with her workout rather than really doing it… [/quote]

She’s probably not pushing herself hard enough. Offer to be her workout partner for a while (if it’s not too embarassing for you to go to the gym with your mother). Offer advice, check her form and accountability.[/quote]

obviously not all gyms are equal, but the trainers at my gym talk about tv shows with the clients and do about 3 different exercises. no one sweats, and certainly no one makes progress, i can verify that with 100% certainty. maybe your moms trainer isnt pushing her.

when i used to come home from college for breaks i would go to my moms gym with her on the guest pass. you dont have to hang out with them at the gym, my mom did some light weight training and then hit the cardio and did some interval work. i think by me being there she didnt want to look like she was slacking - also, it made her go a few more times a week than she was used to.

I think its very true that women respond to classes better then men.

Im sure the night snacking is out of habit and not hunger, if you get the food out of the house then she cant eat it. extreme, but it might be only way if she lacks willpower. If she feels the need to snack, get her some greek yogurt or even a shaker and some casein protien to fill her up. Also, those womens health magazines are usually the ones that recommened popcorn as a ‘Great and tasty low cal snack, try it with parmesean cheese for a little flavor’ kind of nonsense that has women eating a whole bag of popcorn and going to sleep minutes later.

all you guys are giving these amazing helpful suggestions, but honestly there not worth anything. She’s been eating the same shit for the past goddamn year, and even more of it now. My 8th grade history teacher told me the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Well there’s my mom in a nutshell lol.

And yeah, she works out at the same gym as me but i’ve never seen her lift, i suspect you guys are right. If her training is anything like the average woman at golds( not going past the colored dumbells, using the 10 or 20 slot on weight stacks, etc…)
And Vegita I really appreciate the response.

[quote]OT wrote:
And no I have not tried hitting her


Probably should give it a try.