Wasn’t sure where to put this, I’m sorry.
I have a friend who is in roughly in the same boat as I (began morbidly obese, is currently somewhere between chubby and “skinnyfat”, and trying desperately to fix that) who for the past few weeks reposted her MyFitnessPal daily diets to her Facebook, and the results have me very worried to say the least: I won’t say exactly what out of respect for her privacy, but every day it’s between 500-800 kcal total, with maybe 100-150g carbs with around 10-20g fat and 10-30g protein.
I believe she also does daily cardio at her local gym for an hour or so (treadmills, stationary bikes, etc), doing no form of strength/resistance training for fear of becoming “too bulky” and hurting herself from occasional seizures (I don’t know the medical issues here and refuse to be a nosy busybody about it). She is also trying to “detox” with certain foods and the like.
Her stated goal is to reach 120 lbs in “less than a year”. As far as I know she doesn’t measure body-fat percentage or go by anything but what her bathroom scale and the calories burned from cardio machines (reportedly burning in excess of half of what she’s eaten that day).
Two convos:
I know I was melodramatic and probably wrong in the details – I’m really just regurgitating half-remembered, mish-mashed bits from the hundreds of articles and videos I’ve seen on the subjects of health and fitness – but I’m truly scared she’s in for slow but sure world of hurt if she continues down this path.
I respect and applaud her for not being morbidly obese anymore, and continuing to chase the pot of gold of health and aesthetics.
I also realize that due to her apparent dislike of bodybuilders and strength trainers, especially female ones (though she spares no wrath for male meatheads either) she’ll probably not listen to you guys, and I know if I keep bugging her she’ll just dig her heels in harder no matter what I say (she’s almost as bull-headed as I ).
However, my conscience demands I say and do SOMETHING for my friend whom I’ve known since early elementary school, even if it ultimately it won’t do a lick of good. I just don’t want her to make the same mistakes I did, don’t want her to have to learn the hard way that crash dieting won’t work in the long-term like I did, and am at a loss for what to say or do. So I’ll just throw this out to you guys and gals whose collected knowledge, hardships, and failures and successes I’ve lurked and learned from in (mostly) silent respect and respectful silence, hope she reads what you have to say, and hope for the best.