Savin' Mamma

Wut up fellow T-members

My mom is 58 yrs young and weighs about 250lbs at 5'8".

She desperately wants and needs to loose weight. She was really active in her younger days (up till about 30 years old), but after getting married and having my brother and me she has been slowly goin down hill.

She works 50-60 hrs a week (no exaggeration) as a nurse. So she doesn’t have much energy left on her time off to workout. All she wants to do with her time off is kick her feet up and recuperate from her long shifts.

I personally love training and can’t go to the gym enough to get my fix. I know she can’t train the way I do, but I know she needs to do some kind of training, because that body fat ain’t ganna loose itself.

I’ve been trying to run her through short conditioning workouts once a week, to let her body slowly adjust to the extra workload.

I’ve been kind of an asshole at times to get her to put in the time working out, but she just keeps draggin her feet if I don’t. How can I get her motivated, and get her to start liking her workouts.

***ANY Suggestion would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!

Eat less and/or eat better. Busy people tend to eat crappy food.

Maybe get her diet in order first?

If I was in that situation the kitchen is the first place I would look.

What does her daily diet look like?

At this point she’s tired because of stereotypical activity and stress of her job. Some light training will give her more energy and break the physical pattern her body is habituated to.

In other words, a lot of her aches and pains from repetitive use will go away and she will have more energy and be happier. AND SHE WILL LOOK BETTER. Her complexion will improve, she’ll be able to concentrate better at her job and have energy left over for things she wants to do at home. Use that as an argument if she’s not committed.


  1. Cook dinner for her so it’s ready when she gets home. This also keeps her from eating crap at least one meal a day. Make lunch for her too for the same reason. She’s probably eating at the cafeteria.
  2. Do some of the chores she usually does around the house so she can spare the time to exercise.

Now she has extra time to exercise and not as much on her mind so she’s got head space for it.
3) Increase the frequency of conditioning workouts but lower the intensity slightly. Say 3-4 times per week on just the basics of moving her own bodyweight outside the confines of the vertical plane.

a)wall pushups, progress further down the wall until she can push her own weight from the floor with bent knees and then progress to real pushups

b)turkish getups with no weight progressing to some weight. These are good for everything. She could do just these and see a lot of improvement.

c) deep knee bends - start at 1/4 and increase range of motion as she’s able to.
d) side bends progressing to hands overhead side bends.

e) waking up hill or up and down stairs. She walks all day no doubt, but this will be change of walking pattern and won’t seem like walking…because it’s climbing.
f) arm circles with arms out to the side progressing to light dumbell presses over head.
g) light dumbell rows.

Start with one set of 10 - 20 reps. For the hill or stair climbing, start with low hills or short distance. Increase as needed. Women really seem to dig using Jumpstretch bands for exercise (yes, I’m a chauvinist pig, but they do - it doesn’t seem like “lifting weights” to them). I recommend getting a set for her if she won’t use plate loaded dumbells.

Don’t brow beat her. Won’t work and just makes both of you mad. She needs something to work towards (becoming more attractive, wearing smaller dresses, more energy) rather than being guilted into something healthy. Brow beating is something people want to avoid and if health and exercse become something to escape, she’ll never win. And if she finds some fitness pursuit that she prefers more than your routine or this one, let her, even if it’s not ideal. Something is better than nothing.

These aren’t orders, just suggestions. I wish you and your mother best of luck. I hope it’s helpful.

[quote]skidmark wrote:

  1. Cook dinner for her so it’s ready when she gets home.

  2. Do some of the chores she usually does around the house


Can I adopt you?

First good luck. I know I just spent 2 months working on my mom (48 yrs old 5’8" and 195lbs). The first thing I had to do was convince her to eat MORE. she was only eating 1 meal when she got home from work (usually restaurant meals cuz she hates cooking). Other than that she drank 3-4 large ice coffees and a bunch of diet sodas the rest of the day. After about a month I finally had her eating 6 meals a day and she dropped 2 lbs.

I even got her to drink protein shakes-the first 2 she threw up, but now she loves them and admits it was all mental from all the years having those crap slimfasts.

After a month of getting her to eat more I got her into lifting and doing really light BW stuff. she lost another 5lbs or so that month. (Unfortunately she had to go in for her 3rd back surgery so right now she stuck in bed so its on hold for right now)

Not trying to hyjack your thread. But I know a few nurses and not many of them eat during the 12 hr shift. Teaching her to snack on some healthy snacks and eat small meals will help keep her metabolism going (and fix any damage she might have).

I know my mom had a shake every morning because she wasn’t hungry in the morning and “didn’t have time” (bs i know) to cook. So that can be an option too, 3/4 sc of Metabolic Drive in a shaker and she can make it up for a snack on the run.

I think most older ladies who are overweight also grossly undereat, I could be wrong, but that is the first thing I would address if i was you.

Good luck again. I know how frustrating it can get to work with moms. She tells you some oprah stuff, or comes home with relacore and other commercial crap saying it will lose 30lbs in a day, even though you are giving her real good advice. Remember she is your mom and she is trying!!(hopefully…lol)

TC did a great article awhile ago that I printed and gave to my Dad. It is an easy read and gets the major points across.

Good Luck to your Mom!

Prior to my getting my parents back in a gym and working with weights, they bought one of those gazelle things…and it did well for their GPP prior to coming with me. It’s quiet, and can be used while watching a movie without having to crank the TV volume.

Once you get used to the machine – it’s relatively elliptical, but has a slightly different range of motion than an elliptical machine at the gym, so it requires more core engagement to maintain balance – you can get a decent workout. They run about $100 at wally world, or you can get them on ebay.

my two cents…

The diet area has been addressed already.

Something to consider, most of the posters on this board think about going to the gym and lifting to “get in shape” or “loose weight”. She may not be into the idea of a gym. She may think it’s what she needs to do but her heart is not in it. Try finding an ACTIVITY that she is interested in or wants to try.

Maybe she likes/interested in (or played in her youth) tennis, basketball, swimming, soccer… whatever. See about getting her invovled in one of those activities. It could be getting her into a YMCA or city league or going with her to the community pool.

If she enjoys an activity, she’s more likely to keep doing it. Especially those first few weeks when with all those aches and pains. The weight loss/health benefits will start coming once she gets moving. You can always branch out after she takes those first few steps.

If there is a YWCA were you are I would recommend swimming at first…

Ladies like to be around other ladies…
Once the weights starts to go down find a “curves” type place…

Good luck dude

[quote]inthego wrote:
If there is a YWCA were you are I would recommend swimming at first…

Ladies like to be around other ladies…
Once the weights starts to go down find a “curves” type place…

Good luck dude[/quote]

At first, I laughed my ass off when I read your post, but then, I realized that most women my age think that walking is exercise.

Probably because I’m no lady, just a weight liftin’, guitar slingin’ bitch. And I’d rather be in the company of men.