My First Post and Program

I guess I’ll start off with some stats. I’m 20 years old in college (the gym is small and sucks megatime), 150lbs and 5’9". My lifts aren’t all that impressive (Dead: 345, Bench: 235, Squat to parrallel: 315).


My program for the next 4 weeks: (focusing on size)
*Each week keep same weight, but add a rep to each set

BB Bench 5x5
BB Bent-over Row
DB Incline Bench 4x8
DB Shoulder Press 3x8

Front squat 5x5
DB Romanian Deadlift 4x8
Biceps Curl 3x8 (yes, I am a vain man)

BB Incline Bench 5x5
DB Bench 4x8
Seated Row
Lateral Raise 3x8

Deadlift 5x5
Lunge 4x8
Bulg. Split Squat
Biceps curl 3x8

So yeah, that’s basically it, I’ll post how it’s going as I go along.

That’s some pretty nice stats for a small man imo, and your workout, while it could be better, isn’t too bad. Got any pics?

It’s not a bad training program overall. But I think you should reverse your logic of adding an extra rep for every set with each week instead of adding more weight.

[quote]Contrl wrote:
It’s not a bad training program overall. But I think you should reverse your logic of adding an extra rep for every set with each week instead of adding more weight.

I’m actually going to be doing that the next four weeks (after this four). I’m going to try and do Thib’s process of periodization (hyp, str, explosive str). So I figured that it might be better to do rep progression for the hypertrophy weeks, and weight progression for the strength weeks.

So today:

*All of these after a warm-up set or two obviously

1a. BB Bench 185x5 185x5 185x5 185x5 185x5
1b. BB BO Row 185x5 (my form was horrific), 155x5 155x5 155x5 155x5

2a. DB Incline Bench 50sx8 50sx8 50sx8 50sx8
2b. Chin-ups (bodyweight only) 8 8 8 8

  1. Arnold Press 30sx 8 8 8

Bodyweight when I first woke up- 149

So yeah funny story to go along with this as well, I saw a guy trying to do chin-ups that looked like he was trying to hump the Green Giant. I mean I’ve seen people use their legs and all, but this dude was using a leg/pelvic thrust to get his chin 6 inches below the bar and only lower himself about another 4 from that spot to start another rep.

That’s all, see you tomorrow.

Today, Tuesday:

  1. Front Squat (ass to ankles): 185- 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

2a. DB Romanian DL: 65s- 8, 8, 8, 8

2b. DB Lunge: 50s- 8, 6, 6, 6 (quads were spent)

  1. Bicep curl- 75- 8, 7, 7

No amusing stories, just a lot of nice eye candy today.

See you Thursday.

Today, Tuesday:

  1. Front Squat (ass to ankles): 185- 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

2a. DB Romanian DL: 65s- 8, 8, 8, 8

2b. DB Lunge: 50s- 8, 6, 6, 6 (quads were spent)

  1. Bicep curl- 75- 8, 7, 7

No amusing stories, just a lot of nice eye candy today.

See you Thursday.

I hate days off… but I got to sleep in. It felt gooooooodddd.

Happy Halloween. If anyone watches ‘The Office’, I’m being Three-Hole-Punch Jim.