My Dipping Belt Exploded

I was dipping with 100lb and the chain exploded half way up the 5th rep. Luckily I wasn’t injured, but it could have been nasty. This was the belt:

I’m not sure whether I should replace the chain with a huge one from my local locksmith, or buy the Ironmind dipping belt:

Any of you own that? Any good? Ironmind stuff is usually tough.

I bought the ironmind belt; it’s the one i should have ordered in the first place. I like the fact that it doesn’t use a chain too, makes it easier to use on dumbells and plates. Go past 100 routinely and it works just fine :slight_smile: gotta start using it for pullups tho

[quote]wsk wrote:
I was dipping with 100lb and the chain exploded half way up the 5th rep. Luckily I wasn’t injured, but it could have been nasty. This was the belt:

I’m not sure whether I should replace the chain with a huge one from my local locksmith, or buy the Ironmind dipping belt:

Any of you own that? Any good? Ironmind stuff is usually tough.[/quote]

You could go with one from elitefts or ironmind.

I would go get a few feet of 1 inch climbing strength webbing and a carabiner, and use that with the existing belt. It’ll cost you $10, and it should be completely solid. I’ve also had a chain explode before, only mine was on pullups. Totally lame!