Man this blows, i spent $41 on a dip-belt at just so i could be able to do weighted chins,dips…other stuff out there.
Anyway today i thought, well i will go heavy, I put 2 45’s on the chain, i went up for a chin and suddenly the chain (metal chain…metal)snaps, well the part holding one end to the other.
I?m so pissed of right now, and the worst thing is that tomorrow i have to do sets of chins, and dips for my workout. I solved the problem by taking a belt and putting it through the chain and tying on end to the other but i don?t know how long that will last.
Do you guys have any advice, or a better dip belt product that won?t break even if you put 100lbs on it?
One of the trainers here mentioned this (and this is what I do): hold a dumbbell between your feet. This has the added benefit of SERIOUSLY working the abs. Obviously this is harder to do if you’re dipping (particularly if you’re tall) but it’s possible.
I just use a 5 foot lentgh of chain, a couple of hooks, and ran it through a piece of heavy duty garden hose. I figure its good for at least 400 lbs. Not that I’ll ever use that much. Think it ran a total of 8 bucks or so.