Hey all. to give some background if you do not already know, i am 38 years old, 5’7" 250lbs, have been training and competing in throwing, and power-lifting for 20 plus years. have not been to a formal competitin since 1999 though(highland games).
my best lifts are dl 665 , squat 600(off a below parallel box, and i cant bench, due to various injuries, but i recently did 275x3 in the push press. these all are recent numbers, i see no reason to post stuff i did in my 20’s.
well, injuries and health issues has led me to drop the westside style PL for a while and do something different.
my chiro and art guy who is also a mma fighter recommended crossfit norcal, and i started about a month ago.
i like the brief intense workouts, and simplicity of the system(go check out their website for more info) and intense metabolic conditioning their system has to offer.
but i felt they neglected absolute strength, which without improvement no other aspect of strength will improve. so i decided to change things up a little bit and see what happens.
i basically decrease the volume that they do and up the intensity, and or substitute movements that i feel are better for me, and/or occasionally work up to a heavy 3-5 rep set in one of the main lifts if i feel good and healthy that day.
i never know what i am going to do until i get there, which is sort of fun.
first i will give you all a general idea of hat i have been doing the last few weeks, then i will start posting my workouts, there probably will not be much interest, but it if i can get some feedback it might make things more fun for me and help with coming up with new ideas.