Training Blog of New Member

I’ve started a training blog and invite folks to take a look and comment at

looks good. sounds fun. like the pic.
I will follow if you continually post links.


I like Vaynerchuk too.


Hey, thanks for checking it out! What is Vaynerchuk?

[quote]ldt wrote:
Hey, thanks for checking it out! What is Vaynerchuk?[/quote]

Sooo…Vaynerchuk is a over-caffeinated marketing guy who likes wine?

Log 6 on strength endurance…

Oops…that didn’t work did it. Let’s try this for training log 6

Best set of chins yet (4 sets: 6,7,7,7 reps.) and during a German Body Composition type workout. I’m making progress…10 is just around the corner!

Nice chines…Did you disappear?

Hi Melanie. I’m lurking around but I started wondering if this was the right forum for me since it looks like this is about powerlifting and I’m not doing that (though you guys are making me want to go in that direction!) Just click on that same url in the first post to see more recent logs…though I’ve slowed down some. I started that blog to keep track of my workouts to see what worked and what didn’t and also to possibly show other non-lifiting women what I do and why I do it. i.e. lifting keeps you lookin’ and feelin’ good even when you are an old chick! So many women do pilates, group classes, run etc… and get no results. Plus it is fun!

I really love what you guys (gals) are doing and gain inspiration from it…I also am kinda fascinated by how men and women relate to each other on this site…highly sexual but also respectful (well, mostly respectful). It’s also an interesting (sometimes disturbing) window into the male psyche.

Anyways thanks for asking. Hope things are going okay for you in Iraq is it?

This isn’t JUST about powerlifting…

I know I don’t. Mel doesn’t, nor does Grneyes, PCH, Toots, Kimba, Nlmain, etc… :slight_smile:

Stick around!

I think our commonality is that we all love to lift and love to lift heavy.

Yes, the dynamics between men and women are interesting here. Some of us are old and married and enjoy the subtle banter while others are young and nubile and looking for action. It spices up the reading at times, for sure!

Oh, look! Responses! i am in the old and married category enjoying the (not so subtle) banter…living vicariously. And I do love to lift, and love what it does for my body and my sense of personal power. I come to this rag to get inspired to push beyond my current limits. Thanks to the powerful, bold women that inhabit this site!

Pushed 530# on prowler today. PR!

How far did you push it? Does that include the weight of the machine? I’d love to try one of those. How does pushing a prowler translate into better numbers on the big 3? Just better base conditioning level?

[quote]kpsnap wrote:
How far did you push it? Does that include the weight of the machine? I’d love to try one of those. How does pushing a prowler translate into better numbers on the big 3? Just better base conditioning level?[/quote]

Yes, it includes the weight of the apparatus. When I push heavy I do ``short course’', maybe 30 feet…I pushed the full distance 1 time and failed to push the full distance on my 2nd and 3rd attempts. I am attaching a video of my failed second attempt to give you and idea… My trainer is BSing about my weight being 127. It is 130. I got competitive because another woman pushed 525 weighing in at 126 so I felt compelled to do better! I’m going for 550 in the next week because my weight to push ratio is still less than hers. I am not a powerlifter and only do deadlifts and back squats (and very wimpy compared to you). I’ve been doing high reps lately 10-12 so at this point I can’t say how the numbers translate. It’s definitely conditioning-oriented…

That’s pretty awesome, I envy those type of workouts. The top of my To-Get wishlist is a tire :slight_smile:

Looks like a fab workout for the entire body, especially posterior chain. Lots of folks on here are prowler pushers. Maybe PMPM will invite me over to push hers someday . . .

welcome and awesome work on the prowler, wish I had one for some GPP work.