Hi, I have been training for aproximately ten years. But probably only 9 seriously. The thing is, I know i’m already huge, and hoping to compete in the next teen nationals. But i’m still lacking upper pec defintion and my bicep peaks just aren’t coming in. Also, I would like bigger traps as well and better lower abs. I’m also hoping to lower my lats because they’re too high. My question is:
1: I just got a bottle of d-bol from a friend of mine, i haven’t tried it yet. I’m not sure if this will help me or not but what vein do i inject this in? I heard the arm is the best but i’m not sure.
2: What excerises will get my peaks bigger and will upright rows lower my lats so they look better?
3? How many crunches do i need before i get my six pack?
Whats the best excerises for outer quads?
Ok here are my stats so you can help me!!!
Age: 16.5 years
bench: 460 for 2 reps
squat: I don’t squat because i train for pumps only and i don’t want to get box looking plus i have bad knees
but i could probably do about 500 maybe?
deadlift: don’t do them please see above
shrug max: around 620. Haha this one time i put on so much weight that the lady attendent laughed and said “we have none left”
calf-raise max: arund 800 for thirty reps
curl: about 150 lbs (barbell) for 18 reps
my arms are 19.5 inches and when i get a pump they’re deifnetly 20 at least.
Oh my photo is above
Thanks a bunch
Oh and heres my split
Monday: Bis
Tuesday: Quads, Hams, Shoulders, Tris
Wednesday Chest and bis
Thursday: abs, calves, forearms, upper pecs,
Friday Bicep peaks and outer quads
Saturday: Rest or upper pecs
Sunday repeat
“I already know I’m huge”
“My friend gave me a bottle of d-bol”
Curl 150 for the magical 18
How many crunches to a six pack
I dont squat…pumps only.
16.5 years (I’ve been training for 10 years)
I almost posted an extremly silly and sarcastic response, however due to the fact that someone else may actually follow it I decided otherwise.
I like the freedom that we have on this forum to post what we would like to but, this is one that the mods should just delete and disallow the ip from further posts.
agh no not funny. we need to have a troll training or something. that was too blatantly obvious. there was no period where we actually thought it was a real post. i’m saddened =//////
[quote]That One Guy wrote:
agh no not funny. we need to have a troll training or something. that was too blatantly obvious. there was no period where we actually thought it was a real post. i’m saddened =//////[/quote]
[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
I almost posted an extremly silly and sarcastic response, however due to the fact that someone else may actually follow it I decided otherwise.[/quote]
Would this sarcastic response have anything to do with, “what vein do i inject this in?”