I know i know, you’ve all probably had this asked a million times. But i must ask for alittle help.
Firstly, can anyone suggest a good couple of exercises to help increase my biceps? i must warm, you might have to explain the exercises as i’ve no idea what most of the exercise names actually involve. Ive been training for a couple of months and don’t have much idea still.
Secondly is there a list with all the exercise names and description of whats involved with the exercises anywhere?
Btw i must admit this is possibly the best website for info on body building/keep fit i have ever come across.
First, I have rarely seen a person who really needed to work on biceps alone. In fact, it’s rare that some one really needs their arms to catch up with the rest of their body, it’s almost always the other way around. What I’m saying is, be careful, don’t go arm crazy, and make sure you have an accurate judgement of your entire body.
As for just biceps movements, curls curls curls. Yup, just plain old curls. There’s only so much you can do to mix it up when it comes to upper-arm movements. You can change grip(palms-up, down, or neutral), change range of motion(only go down half way, etc.). But, I think that if you can’t get growth to occur with straight-bar curls, or dumbbells or whatever, changing the set/rep parameters will help more than anything. If you’re used to 3x10, try 5x5, or 2x18, whatever. Mix it up.
All that being said, don’t forget your triceps for arm size. And, I have to agree with Phil that the big compound(more than one joint) movements are going to get you big and strong quicker than anything else. But, we don’t know what your goals are outside of big biceps, so we can’t help you any more than that.
Well my problem is, im sure uve come across this before. i dont know if its because im double jointed or just got bad method, but i find my shoulders do most of my lifting work and thus my arms are not really working. i also have found my left arm does no where near as much work as my right arm. dont get me wrong i dont want to spend my sessions purely on my biceps/triceps. but just some extra exercises to help them go bigger would be appreciated.
Thank you for the exercises. Now the dumb question, where can i go to read up on exactly what these involve? because i have no idea what most of em are.
[quote]Napalmuk wrote:
Well my problem is, im sure uve come across this before. i dont know if its because im double jointed or just got bad method, but i find my shoulders do most of my lifting work and thus my arms are not really working. i also have found my left arm does no where near as much work as my right arm. dont get me wrong i dont want to spend my sessions purely on my biceps/triceps. but just some extra exercises to help them go bigger would be appreciated.
Kindest regards.
I don’t know whether or not that has anything to do with being double-jointed, but my guess would be that it’s just bad form. I need some help here though, what lifts are you talking about when you say your shoulders do most of the work? Try to find out the names of the lifts you do so we can talk about good form.
Also, if you really have a strength imbalance between your right and left side, use dumbbells as much as possible and stop when your weak side can’t do anymore. This is supposed to help the weak side catch up to the strong side. I’ve never done this, but I heard it works, so don’t hold me to it if it doesn’t.
Read up on some of the articles around here, especially the ones about big, compound exercises, those will help you gain size everywhere, not just in your arms.