Muscle Tightness - Espicially in my calves

hey all,

I dont know if anyone else experiences this so I figured I would ask. I would like to know how you all deal w/ really tight muscles. I do plyometrics 3 times a week and also run distance in between plyo days. I play my soccer match on Sunday and take off on Monday (post -match). My problem is that my legs, especially my calves feel like crap. They feel tight and achy and before you go and recommend stretching, you should know that I stretch DAILY for over 30 minutes. Can anyone recommend some sort of treatment, new kind of stretching, etc that can help loosen my legs up and also assist me in getting rid of my calf pain. Thanks

cut down on the plyos and running. are you in your season? if so do the plyos on like mon &thurs and eliminate the running altogether. you should be doin more than enough during practice and games. i’m sure you know that endrance running is counterproductive to doing plyometrics. are you also in the weightroom? hows your diet? ther are so many questions to ask to help give you answers.
peace, flash

30 minutes seems like a lot, and unless you get some psych/meditation/relaxation benefit, maybe too much?

I’ve done martial arts and stretching since high school, and I normally do 2x 5-10 minute stretching sessions per day. More seems like overkill to me.

That being said…

Where did you learn to stretch? Hopefully not from an aerobics tape or gym class?

Have you read Bob Anderson? Highly recommended classic. I could give the short’n’simple if you’re interested.

Do a search for PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) here on the forums and on google. Done correctly, this works pretty good on stubborn muscles.

Is your primary goal flexibility or pain-relief?

Trying to add a lot of sport specific training outside of your sport, in season time, is a big mistake. You should be maintaining pre-season levels, not trying to improve them with plyo 3X week! The tight muscles are just a warning sign to back off, or else, BAM! Injury.
A lot of sports teams are doing that mistake, trying to imrove strength levels within the season, and the result is tendonitis, adhesions, injurys.
The result is within your current training. Dont try to find a magic cure, there isnt any.

good post tantrum.

try to add some recovery/mobility work on mornings/off days (ankle circles)

You are taxing the same muscles far to many days per week. Your calves are pleading with you to stop. Listen to your body!

If it’s muscle soreness and tightness then a good massage will do the trick.