What would be the best dosing protocall using androsol for strength gains my diet is in check my trianing is sound and my sleep is good i just need help on this one thing.
Not to be natsy here but you need help with your spellign n punctuition to you know what i mean its rilly hard to even figger out what the hek yur trying to say in yur post sorry to b such n asshole.
Are you peaking for a certain event or just looking for general strength gains? With all the experimental dosing protocols out there for Androsol and Nandrosol (and combinations thereof), I prefer to go full on with 70 sprays twice per day with either product, for two weeks. Then take four weeks off and use 8 caps of Tribex the whole time. Then, right back on another Androsol cycle. I like being “on” something at all times.
I believe that T-mag has said that Nandrosol is better for strength gains, while Androsol is better for mass.
You are right, I appologize for my bad punctuation, spelling and grammar.
Mr Shugart I was just wanting to use it for general strength gains. Thank you all for your reply.