Good day everyone and happy friday.
Just finished listening to the Juglife Beers with Chad podcast about his Mount Rushmore of Powerlifting. I thought it would be cool to see a Mount Rushmore in strength sports as atleast for me it wasnt always Powerlifting that interested me in strength. I also enjoy the characters of this industry and its history and would be interesred in seeing whaf inspired others.
Magnus Ver Magnusson - Growing up my dad and I would stay up late over christmas break watching worlds strongest man. Magnus was not the biggest or most jacked guy in the competition but he was a competitor and the first dude that inspired me to get strong.
Matt Kroc - Alot of people point to guys like Chuck V or Dan Green as there inspiration for getting into powerlifting (in my age group) but for me it was Matt Kroc. I identified with Matt being former military and enjoyed his ability to convey a message ( Just watch the old Elite FTS Round tables). His training approach was based on mental toughness as much as getting strong which I believe some people are lacking.
Jim Wendler - The first strength program I followed that actually worked. Jims approach to things was vastly different from the Mens Health add 3 inches to your arms in 3 weeks and do the 300 rep spartan circuit workout to get jacked but actually get skinny and not stronger which was cluttering shelves. Jim was and is no bull. Its not for everybody and I dont use it all the time anymore but it works.
Im gonna cheat on this one but lately its been the ladies of strength sports Jen Thompson, Donna Moore, Stefi Cohen, Tia Claire Twomey. These girls are beasts and teach younger generations of women that they do not have to apologize for being awesome. For those that say these women have too much muscle or say things about how they look. Go put your daughters in a beauty pagent, mine are gonna be strong.