more for Coach Davies

Coach a few days ago I asked a question regarding fat loss and athletic performance. I appreciate your response. It seems what you were saying is if I did a routine for atheletic performance the fat loss would be a side effect. Well what kind of program would you put me on. Something like the “renegade training” or the “fat to fire routine”. If you could give me an idea of what kind of routine to follow I would really appreciate that. Thanks.

Cory, the “Fat to Fire” program has been a tremendously effective program for my athletes. In many cases, I have needed to build out longer training programs with fat-loss goals for some athletes in which the need for fat loss had some huge financial ramifications. Within the sport programs it is difficult to say the first level will definately kick-start fat loss. Many of the combatitives programs (Combative, BJJ, Boxing) are particularily effective and diverse in development. I look forward to hearing from you. In faith, Coach Davies

Coach one last response and I will try to leave you alone. From your answers and article and some other articles I have read I believe I came up with a program. But I wanted to get your opinion. I was thinking about doing a four day split with two upper body days and two lower body days. And divide the days into dynamic and maximal days. I would do supersets or tri-sets keep the reps about 3-6 and keep the rest at about 1-2 minutes. On lower body dynamic days I would do something like woodchoppers hang cleans DB snatches jump squats etc. Then do deadlifts lunges good mornings on the other day. For upper body I would do explosive pushups push press hang pulls on dynamic days. Then do bench side press dips and pullups on heavy days. Warm up with jump rope. On some off days do your GPP or some sprint work. Does this sound like it could be effective? I really appreciate all your time you are taking to answer my questions. Thanks.