I am hoping to get a consensus on the forum’s opinions of which supplement(s) one would purchase - while sticking to a monthly budget. Obviously, not all of the products last an entire month, based on the dosage recommendations (both from the forum, site, and on the bottle). So, what would you purchase, taking dosage, product cycling, etc. into account, assuming you only had $100 each month? $150? $200? For clarification, let’s assume that we are eating properly (including post workout nutrition) 5-6 times daily, getting plenty of rest, and training properly. In other words, we’re SUPPLEMENTING - not “miracle-wishing”. Also, since Biotest products are mainly geared toward the attainment of LBM, let’s also assume we’re attempting to GAIN weight. Thanks for any and all help!
Here is a repeat of what I said in another post, with some modifications. For your proposed budget, I would take Tribex, 6 twice a day ($75 a month). I would take ZMA ($17 a month). I would buy a good quality whey protein powder for post-workout shake($20-30 a month, based on five workouts per week, and 40 grams of protein per serving) Total $112-122. Add in 20 grams of glutamine post workout ($20) and you are at $132-$142 a month.
I might add a bedtime drink of 20 grams of glutamine mixed in water on an empty stomach, followed with another one in the morning, for an additional $60 a month or if I don’t believe in growth hormone releasing properties of glutamine, I would take 20 grams of whey and 10 grams of glutamine bedtime/am at a cost of $70-75 a month. Or you could substitute with Grow two scoops at night and two scoops in the morning at a cost of $66. Bringing your total to a little over $200. But, this is just my two cents. If you decide to do it, do this for two months, consistently before you judge its effectiveness. I believe this is an easily doable formula. It doesn’t require much effort. And if you are not a big eater, lets you get your nutrition without missing meals.
I would buy Grow and another less expensive whey (Optimum Nutrition or HDT) and combine them. I would also use extra Vitamin E and digestive enzymes, which are more dietary additives than supplements. I am completely conviced of MD6’s effectiveness, and if I measure positive effects from Androsol/Tibex I’d use those.
I would largely agree with Bodz. First off the shelf for me would be ZMA, for the money I have to say the benefits, for me at least, have been remarkable. Then some flaxseed oil and fish oil capsules for my omega-3’s, a protein supplement for post workout and other times if necessary, a good multivitamin and maybe some etra C and E too. There is much more worth buying, but on a tight budget you have to be very selective…I would try to stretch it to some Tribex too definitely!
Scott, thanks for filling in some of my holes. I was still on the glutamine mindset. I agree, my first “shelves” include Snac multivitamin, Twin Lab multi-minerals, Saw Palmetto, Twin Lab B+C, ALA, CoQ10, ZMA, Tribex, Fish oil caps, Udo’s or flax, ground flax seed for fiber and fats, glutamine, whey and maltodextrin. These are my solid base supplements. I then add in Grow or another MRP to fill in gaps in my diet, Power Drive for mood enhancement and mind/muscle tie-in and MD6 occasionally for a workout boost. Total cost? Who knows. I buy as needed in bulk. I think of my supplements as part of my food bill.