Budget problem

Ok, this message is for the avarege person who, lets say has a budget of a $100 a month to spend on supplements. With my budget, what are the essential supplements my money can buy? I dont know how much the avarege person spends a month, or lets say the above avarege, but help me out here. From what I see, there may be some of you guys that spend over $400 a month on supplements.

Stick to the basics. Mulitvitamin, Vitamins C & E, fish oils and some sort of protein or MRP. Or maybe Surge. But with $100 a month, you pretty much can cover the basics.

Hey bud. I don’t really use any more supps now. With the exception of a good multi-vitamin and a shite load of Vit.C. I’ll use a little WPI in a post workout shake along with a pile of skim milk powder, sustagen and glucose powder. They average about 600-700 odd calories. I can’t really afford any more, but I’ve been growing well anyway, so I’m not overly concerned.

Get your protein from whole foods, and go with Surge or Myoplex Mass for post workout replenishment (post workout nutrition is where you really get the most bang for your buck…very important). Get some flax oil or Udo’s blend, two tablespoons a day (unless you eat a lot of salmon and nuts/seeds). A multi-vitamin shouldn’t cost you more than $5 a month.

Stick to food. Use the 100 bucks and buy more food. Maybe some vitamins and Udo’s oil.

I agree with everyone else here. Use the $100 for food, a multi-vitamin, protein powder or MRP, and some flax or Udo’s choice oil. Get the nutrition program right and combine with a good training program and you will get results. Too many people look at supplements as a way to make up nutritional shortcomings…they don’t.

Use the five pound whey proteins that are available. I mix 16 ounces of milk, 30 grams of whey, and a tablespoon of natural peanut butter. Costs only a dollar per serving. Also eat lots of tuna. very cheap.

I had this problem last year when I was still in college. You know what- if you go to a good online supplement place, or in my case- I went to a place in NYC, you can get MRP’s really cheap. Myoplex- 42 pack was easily had for 55 bucks. That comes out to $1.33 per serving. I would go with 3 myoplex per day, and 3 or 4 meals of tuna- ($1 per can), or get a big ass bag of chicken from costco. You can eat the basics for very cheap. Then, to boost up the supplements, you’ll have a bit more leeway hopefully with the savings on the basics. You can go with some Creatine, or Androsol, or whatever- just get them from the discount places.

Optimum nutrition’s 100% whey is very economical at $25 for 5 pounds. That gives you 40, 44g servings of protein for meal supplementation (not meal replacement). Also, Health from the Sun brand flax oil is only $6 for 16 oz bottle. You can get METRX 1000g creatine for about $24. 1 tub protein, 2 bottles flax oil, 1 tub creatine come to about $61. That leaves plenty to pick up vitamins C & E for cheap from Wal Mart. That tub of creatine will likely last you 3 months, too. You may have enough left in the budget for 1 box of Biotest Grow for those times on the go when you have to skip real food. I just made an order for this stuff online from DPS Nutrition. They seem to have good prices and delivery. - Nylo