Modified Nonlinear Periodization - Strength & Hypertrophy

Hi, I decided to publish my modified nonlinear periodization on T-Nation for nine weeks. Three of my clients (buddies) were happy with it, as they recorded considerable and noticeable progress (strength and muscle progress). I also publish this periodication because people are still wondering what the training program should look like.

As can be easily observed, in this periodization emphasis is placed on hypertrophy because the raw strength is predominantly the size of the said hypertrophy.

I will write the fundamental points…

• high intake of macronutrients and micronutrients (!)
• higher water intake during the training day
• good technique
• wrist wraps
• knees wraps
• quality belt
• magnesium / straps
• fixed shoes with straight outsole / weightlifting boots

• fixedly written work sets
• fixedly written accessory exercises
• marked increase in hypertrophy
• almost a certain increase in strength
• sophisticated system to delay training accommodation
• well designed load
• contains an adequate number of training days for natural lifter
• relatively short period of this periodization (9 weeks)
• any number of warm-up sets

• a possible gradual increase in boredom
• high likelihood of frequent muscle pain
• more frequent CNS fatigue, irritability
• shock for the body from a large training volume
• no variations of powerlifting exercises
• strictly a percentage of the maximum for a single training day
• the training day may take more than two hours


For better visibility:

I will only be grateful for reasonable criticism.

Sun in the soul

I guess the only criticism I have is that the program doesn’t have a clearly defined goal.
Is hypertrophy the goal? Then why so little for the shoulders? The only thing I see for them is benching 50% of the time, dips (if done to target the shoulders), and lateral raises. No vertical pressing, face pulls, or pull aparts. No direct work for the rear delts or triceps.
Or is the goal strength? Looks like it since you will be testing a new 1RM at the end of the program but this raises a lot questions too. Like, why LATERAL RAISES? since getting your bench up seems to be another possible goal lateral raises are a pretty poor way of doing that. Why not have close grip bench or incline bench instead?
Or is this a powerbuilding program? Kinda looks like it, you’ve got “curls for the girls” and can claim to train for powerlifting. But still, no direct triceps work and what bro can stomach that?
Or is the goal one of a bunch of other things it looks like it might be?
As for the modified nonlinear periodization, I can’t see why it wouldnt work of the effort was put in.

"I guess the only criticism I have is that the program doesn’t have a clearly defined goal. Is hypertrophy the goal? "

This periodization includes two goals in one. It improves strength and hypertrophy.

“Then why so little for the shoulders?”

It can be said that it is a delusion because you train very often the bench press, which is stressful for your shoulders. One accessory exercise for shoulders is therefore adequate.

“No direct work for the rear delts or triceps.”

You are wrong. Triceps muscle including bench press and dips is also activated with RTE (rope triceps extension).
I have already mentioned shoulders.

“Why not have close grip bench or incline bench instead?”

As mentor Boris Sheiko says: “Bench press improves only bench press.”

When you train by Russian methods, you do not need countless accessory exercises, but only basic versions.

When someone adds an additional exercise, it’s not bad, but it’s not a decisive factor.

Why don’t you submit for an actual article?

What article do you mean? Article by Boris Sheiko? Just follow his Facebook / Instagram page or his official forum.
He and his very strong client, Kirill Sarychev, publish advice on the bench press quite often.


Your first post. Put it in an article form and submit it. You want your workout to be recognized? Get some credibility behind it.


This periodization includes two goals in one. It improves strength and hypertrophy.
OK that sounds good, I like working toward both those things at once. But what about my overhead pressing strength? I’m not going to argue with Mr. Sheiko so if benching only improves benching what am I doing for my overhead press? Or is that not a strength this program cares to address? If so then am I to assume that this is a strength/hypertrophy program with a powerlifting slant? Nothing wrong with that I’m just asking.

“No direct work for the rear delts or triceps.”

You are wrong. Triceps muscle including bench press and dips is also activated with RTE (rope triceps extension). Ahh! So that’s what RTE stands for! I even Googled it and still couldn’t figure it out. Ok gotcha, direct triceps work. Check.

I have already mentioned shoulders.
But you didn’t mention anything about direct rear delts work or vertical pressing even if just for joint health. If I don’t do a vertical press session between bench sessions my upper pec/clavicle starts to give me issues. YMMV


Your first post. Put it in an article form and submit it. You want your workout to be recognized? Get some credibility behind it."

I apologize, but normally I do not speak English, but I speak Czech, so I probably did not understand you…
There is no need for my modified nonlinear periodization to be written in the article because I have written fundamental points and because it is easy to understand.
Regarding the results of this periodization, I recorded them for three clients. That number is likely to yet increase.

“OK that sounds good, I like working toward both those things at once. But what about my overhead pressing strength?”

Note that the Russian philosophy of powerlifting is hardly ever used overhead press in training because their overhead press does not improve the bench press. There is no need to frequently change additional exercises and use them a lot. Must arise be the adaptation syndrome to improve your performance. This process, as Bondarchuk says, takes about 3-4 weeks. During that time, it makes no sense to change anything.
I strongly recommend the book “Science and Practice of Strength Training” by Zatsiorsky & Kraemer. It will bring you a lot of knowledge.

“But you didn’t mention anything about direct rear delts work or vertical pressing even if just for joint health. If I don’t do a vertical press session between bench sessions my upper pec/clavicle starts to give me issues.”

If you are more powerlifter, there is no need to divide the periodization on more parts of your shoulder muscles. I understand your “fear”, however, on those parts of shoulder muscles you can do rehabilitation exercises and exercises for flexibility.

(Note: Forgive me for eventually errors in English. I’m trying to improve English.)