I have been using block periodization for a little over a year now with good results thus far. Every time I begin a new training cycle I make a few changes and tweeks and maybe write in a new exercise or something just to see how it plays out. The problem with this is that, over time, my training program has changed a lot and doesn’t resemble what it once was. So, I’m posting it here to see if y’all think I have strayed too far from what it was I set off to do in the beginning when I started using block periodization and also just to get someone else’s opinion on how I have been training.
I train 4 days a week, Squat, Bench, Deadlift and OHP (sometimes I’ll do some light benching on OHP day)
-Accumulation Mesocycle (divided into hypertrophy and base strength microcycles)
-Hypertrophy Microcycle (2 weeks)
-High Volume (5x10)
-Train lift variations, not the lifts themselves
-4-5 accessory movements per training session
-Low-Moderate intensity (55%-65%)
-Base Strength Mesocycle (2 weeks)
-Moderate/High volume (5x5)
-Train lift variations
-4-5 accessory movements per training session
-Moderate intensity (65%-75%)
-Transmutation Mesocycle (divided into power and max strength microcycles)
-Power Microcycle (2 weeks)
-Moderate Volume (5x3)
-Train Competition Lifts with chains
-3-4 accessory movements per training session
-Moderate/High Intensity (75%-85%)
-Max Strength Microcycle (2 weeks)
-Low Volume (3x3)
-Train competition lifts
-2-3 accessory movements per training session
-High Intensity (85%-95%)
-Deload Week
-5x5x50% on all lifts
-Lots of active recovery work
-Realization Mesocycle (2 weeks)
-Low Volume (3x1)
-Train competition lifts
-1-2 accessory movements per training session
-Supramaximal Intensity (95%+)
-Deload Week
-5x5x50% on all lifts
-Lots of active recovery work
-Test lifts or compete
I taper the weights and volume of my accessory exercises along with my comp lifts although I never do less than 3 reps per set for my accessories during the realization phase. I try to add 10lbs to my accessory movements every training session, if I stall I reset the weight for that particular exercise by somewhere around 20%. I also do some sort of row or chin every day that I train. I really feel like my back can take a lot more punishment than other areas and I think it needs it to develop fully.