MMA Severe Ankle Sprain

Sprained my ankle again sparring. Wasn’t able to stand for 5+ minutes.

This happened once before about 4 months ago. Obviously it wasn’t healed.

I’ve got mild bruising/swelling around the anterior talofibular ligament.

I’ve got a doctor apt. Monday, but doctors are a crapshoot…

Anyone have any advice for bringing my ankle back to 100% and not just waiting for the next injury?

I don’t want a chronic problem here, and I understand ankle sprains tend to reappear. My career requires a dependable ankle.

Try and ice the ankle as much as you can. Stay off that foot if at all possible. Don’t train MMA again until you are completely healed.

When you start to feel better, either tape the ankle or look for some sort of ankle brace to help with support. I used to sprain my ankles all the time playing basketball and had to wear a brace.

nike frees and ART

Jumpstretch bands and videos on rehab by Dick Hartzell…search youtube!

usefull info, thanks!

Do the Frees strengthen the ankle structures, or make rolling less likely?

X-rays negative. Seeing a Doc who worked with the Celtics; most BB injuries are ankle so he might know his stuff.

frees offer very little support, thats the idea

Make sure once you’re healed up that you do plenty of ankle strengthening exercises. I had a class 2 sprain to my left ankle several years ago and its still not as strong as it was before.

Torn extensor hallucis brevis.

Doc says should heal quick with rehab.


the reason u sprained it again ISNT because the muscles are not strong enough but because of ur proprioception! If u dont know wat this is then a simple google will tell u, its basically balane and ur brain telling ur foot where exactly it is, so when u went over on it ur proprioception was off,

When u sprained it first did u do any balance work?

When swellings gone do full range of movements and help with overpressure to get full range, then progress to standing on ur tip toes and some single leg dips. Then progress to single leg up on toes, ul need stretching of the gastros n soleus too, google it to find the stretches as the muscles will be in spasm now as proteciton n lack of movement from the swelling.

Along with this u need to be balancing on one leg, when u can do this easy, progress to closing ur eyes (harder than it sounds!) then stand on one leg while somebody throws a ball to ur sides etc,

until u can do this especially eyes closed balance then be careful, u SHOULD NOT NEED A ANKLE BRACE!!!

Read Knee pain article by mike boyle! Ur ankle has the potential to heal perfectly with the right rehab.


Great reply Irish

I have NO intention of using a brace, and I’ve got plans to address the soft tissue in the lower leg.

I have a host of ankle movements I was supposed to be doing; I blew them off. Oops.

As for soleus mobility, that doesn’t seem to want to happen. I stretch, foam roll, try dynamic mobility stuff…no progress.

The only thing I don’t know is how long to wait before starting mobility and soft tissue work. The muscle was torn, and is still sensitive. There is still visible bruising and dark areas.