Milk: Good or Bad?

For a person who is not lactose intolerant, is milk good for bulking or does it just fatten people?


It’s food. If you eat too much food you get fat.

Well, if you are bulking then yeah, its good, as long as its whole milk, raw is even better. If you are looking to reduce your bf% or if you are attempting a low-carb diet then it isn’t ideal because milk does have a substantial amount of sugar in it.

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:

It’s food. If you eat too much food you get fat. [/quote]

Yes, and you also gain muscle if you eat too much food. Thanks for that. To rephrase the question:
I have read that milk is great for bulking (Squats and Milk). I have also read that milk is not good bodybuilding food (apparently it lowers test; less test, less growth). I have read both of these opinions on this site. They conflict. I’m confused. Which is correct?

[quote]Spriont wrote:

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:

It’s food. If you eat too much food you get fat. [/quote]

Yes, and you also gain muscle if you eat too much food. Thanks for that. To rephrase the question:
I have read that milk is great for bulking (Squats and Milk). I have also read that milk is not good bodybuilding food (apparently it lowers test; less test, less growth). I have read both of these opinions on this site. They conflict. I’m confused. Which is correct?

Look at populations who ‘Squat and Milk’ and populations who avoid milk needlessly, I think that this should be enough evidence to suggest how significant that lowering of test is, if it is true at all (It would most likely be due to something in the milk rather than the milk itself).

My advice is to see how your body reacts to milk, personally I cannot handle dairy too well although I am not lactose intolerant, did an elimination diet for a month to find out that I personally am much better off without dairy.

However, if you can handle dairy, I see no reason why you cannot use milk.

1: Drink milk and see if you get fat.

2: Decide if you are gaining muscle while drinking milk.

3: Weigh the pros and cons.

4: Decide if you want to drink milk.

5: Apply this to every food ever and you will know exactly what you should eat, then blog about it so other people can know what they should do.

Thanks silver and JF.

i drink about half a gallon a milk daily while bulking. WayLander one of the biggest mofos on this site drank a gallon of milk day in day out while he was bulking. worked for him. but if you eat or drink something that makes you feel like shit then you shouldnt be eating it whether its milk, almonds, or cucumbers. but the whole avoid dairy like the plague is deff blown out of proportion if you tolerate it well. milk is a easy way to add some “clean a.k.a. not fast food” calories to your diet. fuck what the gurus say.

“Milk. Good or bad?”


“I rest my case.”

[quote]Spriont wrote:

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:

It’s food. If you eat too much food you get fat. [/quote]

Yes, and you also gain muscle if you eat too much food. Thanks for that. To rephrase the question:
I have read that milk is great for bulking (Squats and Milk). I have also read that milk is not good bodybuilding food (apparently it lowers test; less test, less growth). I have read both of these opinions on this site. They conflict. I’m confused. Which is correct?

Links to “milk lowers test”. I havent seen that so I’m curious.

THere is also “research” that says that deadlifts cause a spike in anabolic hormones. Theyd have you think that deadlifting is like shooting testosterone into your body. But in reality the spike is unbelieveably insignificant and doesnt last long at all. Everything is relative. And you need to be able to understand the numbers for them to mean anything.

I don’t drink milk for the sole reason that no other animal drinks milk when they reach adulthood, especially from another species.

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
“Milk. Good or bad?”


“I rest my case.”[/quote]
Help me a bit and tell me what that means.

I like milk, if I was cutting I still wouldn’t eliminate it. If at the end of it all if I wasn’t in the shape i wanted I wouldn’t think it was milk’s fault.

i like milk, and it certainly helped me gain a few lbs. still, ive read reports from those healthy living people saying milk has a strong link to acne. obviously theyre biased, but so are we. my conclusion? its a really easy way to gulp a significant portion of your daily calories.

Nards, would you drink less milk perhaps?

[quote]Spriont wrote:

his articles are not for everyone. Many of the dudes at efs are on a gallon of milk a day. their goals are closer to mine. Pick your goals and approach and stick with it for a while.

[quote]Spriont wrote:

I hate when people use articles or others peoples opinions to justify their actions. Mark Rippetoe and Glenn Penndlay some of THE most respected names in strength training believe milk is better then steroids for novice trainees.

Although this is an extreme you shouldn’t just take one guys opinions as the be all end all. Experience with whatever you feel you should at the time and come to your own conclusion. this can be applied to everything.

[quote]Kanada wrote:
i like milk, and it certainly helped me gain a few lbs. still, ive read reports from those healthy living people saying milk has a strong link to acne. obviously theyre biased, but so are we. my conclusion? its a really easy way to gulp a significant portion of your daily calories.

Nards, would you drink less milk perhaps?[/quote]

I only drink about 300 to 400 ml per day. I wasn’t referring to the milk in the gallon plus squats way, so I’d never feel the need to drink less than what I do now.

cow titties

[quote]Nards wrote:

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
“Milk. Good or bad?”


“I rest my case.”[/quote]
Help me a bit and tell me what that means.

I like milk, if I was cutting I still wouldn’t eliminate it. If at the end of it all if I wasn’t in the shape i wanted I wouldn’t think it was milk’s fault.

I personally wouldnt blame any specific food, unless you eat alot of shit. I’d say your problem is much more likely too many calories overall. And maybe not enough or not intense enough exercise. I know thats a pretty basic so take what you want from it.

[quote]Spriont wrote:

Why did I ask ?