[quote]facepalm1020 wrote:
[quote]PB Andy wrote:
I will not consume milk because I deluded myself to think that milk is bad for us, because other animals don’t drink milk of others species, and I am convinced we shouldn’t either. I base this decision on my perfect logic argument below:
Other animals don’t = we shouldn’t.
Humans = exact same as other animals. Amazing.
Yeah, animals don’t drive cars, don’t have electricity, BLAH BLAH BLAH. This is all stuff humans are manufacturing, but it has nothing to do with how nutrition affects us. We are no different than any other animal, besides the whole conscience thing.
You, sir, are an idiot. Whether a particular human body will benefit from milk in some way has nothing to do with any other random fact or coincidence. You watched some horrible documentary and now think you have all the answers because you heard a couple of nifty one-liners with no scientific basis.
Humans can consume milk and there are pros and cons, like any other food. There’s nothing special about your observation. Milk is composed of atoms of elements that that bind to form chemicals, and when they enter our body, it can use them. Our body will not simply flip some switch and self-destruct because it somehow knows what other animals are doing and we therefore we shouldn’t do it either. I can’t imagine why you would tell other people that you made such a poorly thought out decision.
Also, humans ARE different from the rest of the animals. All species are unique.
Also, animals having a conscience is well documented. So we’re similar to animals in this way.
Congratulations, you were the exact opposite of correct.[/quote]
On a related note, I love how because of PB Andy’s sentiment about milk that people are coming out of the woodwork to insult him. (Clarification, sarcasm there, the multiple insulting posts is kind of pathetic actually)
Protip, critiquing somebody’s logical deduction (what I did) is different from attacking them as a person (you). Stop acting all high and mighty, act as an equal and question his position rather than lecture him.