Michael's Training Log

This means no more questions. :slight_smile: If anyone has any suggestions they are welcome.

Day 1-Pull
Bentover barbell row 3x8
Shoulder shrug 3x8
Dumbell bicep curl 3x8

Day 2-Push
Barbell bench press 3x8
Military press 3x8
Overhead tricep extension 3x8

Day 3-Legs
Squat 3x8
Deadlift 3x8
Standing calf raise 3x8

no work out today due to pulled muscle

Feeling a little bit better so just did a little bicep work.

40x1x2 PR

www.fitday.com - if you’re interested in tracking your nutrition as well.

[quote]beginner1991 wrote:
www.fitday.com - if you’re interested in tracking your nutrition as well.[/quote]


Like your workout. Simple and not gonna killya. Your body needs to get used to lifting. This is a great start.

Good Luck.

I’d switch squats and deadlifts. I’d also add a hamstring exercise in leg day and pullups on pull day. Nevertheless, it’s nice and simple. I like it.

[quote]Arms Afire wrote:
Like your workout. Simple and not gonna killya. Your body needs to get used to lifting. This is a great start.

Good Luck.[/quote]


[quote]undeadlift wrote:
I’d switch squats and deadlifts. I’d also add a hamstring exercise in leg day and pullups on pull day. Nevertheless, it’s nice and simple. I like it.[/quote]

The order of squats and deadlifts? If I add another hamstring exercise do I need another quad exercise? I like to keep it simple, that way I can just go all out and finish my muscles off in each exercise which is why I don’t think I would be able to add pullups.


Ah. I think my Crohn’s disease is acting up. No work out today either.

Yup, the order.

Are you considering deadlifts as a hamstring exercise?

[quote]undeadlift wrote:
Yup, the order.

Are you considering deadlifts as a hamstring exercise?[/quote]

What would be the point?


NO! lol I’ve read about this. In muscle and fitness they say that you should have at LEAST a 2:1 ratio of hamstring workout to quad workout. So have 2 hamstring work outs for your one quad workout
ex: Straight leg deadlift : Leg extensions
Leg curls (machine)

[quote]michaelangelos wrote:
undeadlift wrote:
I’d switch squats and deadlifts. I’d also add a hamstring exercise in leg day and pullups on pull day. Nevertheless, it’s nice and simple. I like it.

The order of squats and deadlifts? If I add another hamstring exercise do I need another quad exercise? I like to keep it simple, that way I can just go all out and finish my muscles off in each exercise which is why I don’t think I would be able to add pullups.


[quote]flipHKD_6 wrote:
NO! lol I’ve read about this. In muscle and fitness they say that you should have at LEAST a 2:1 ratio of hamstring workout to quad workout. So have 2 hamstring work outs for your one quad workout
ex: Straight leg deadlift : Leg extensions
Leg curls (machine)[/quote]

Are 2 variations of deadlifts okay? I don’t like to do exercises where I can’t use lots of weight, they’re boring to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just do the workout like you posted it. Don’t ask any more questions or take any more “tips”, especially from Muscle and Fitness.

Time to do it.

Good Luck.

[quote]Arms Afire wrote:
Just do the workout like you posted it. Don’t ask any more questions or take any more “tips”, especially from Muscle and Fitness.

Time to do it.

Good Luck.[/quote]


Terrible work out. Kept forgetting to rest between sets for some reason.

Bench press
105x2x1 PR

Gironda press
85x1x4 PR

Military press

Overheard tricep extension
30x1x2 PR

Side shoulder raise
20x1x7 with 2 second pause at top

If anyone reads this can they tell me if this is the proper bench press form…

I read somewhere in an article that you should push your feet as wide apart as you can and pull them back as far as you can. You should also arch your lower back and pull your shoulder blades together, and when you bring the bar down your elbows should be right beside your body.

[quote]michaelangelos wrote:
What would be the point?[/quote]

One sign of CNS fatigue is loss of grip strength. Furthermore, all exercises tax your CNS. Knowing these, you want to keep your grip as fresh as possible when doing deadlifts, which is why you put them as your first exercise before squats.

[quote]undeadlift wrote:
michaelangelos wrote:
What would be the point?

One sign of CNS fatigue is loss of grip strength. Furthermore, all exercises tax your CNS. Knowing these, you want to keep your grip as fresh as possible when doing deadlifts, which is why you put them as your first exercise before squats.[/quote]

To be honest I don’t feel deadlifts in my forearms. I think it’s because I don’t actually use as much weight as my body can handle because I’m scared of hurting my back.

I think keeping my lower body fresh for squats is more important, so I’m going to do keep squats first.

You should not fear deadlifts. You should attack them with a rabid zeal.

Using perfect form in deadlifts makes all the difference. You can lift your absolute 1RM safely with proper form, in fact safer than lifting your 10RM in wrong form. Heck, you can even pull a million times your 1RM at the bottom position and nothing will happen to you as long as you keep your form strict (this is what CT calls overcoming isometrics).

You’re gonna need back strength if your squat numbers go up, and if you don’t treat your deadlifts with the same intensity as your squats, you might end up with a bad back.