Hey guys,
I need to start this log so I can stay accountable and also get input on things I need to do differently or just any encouragement I can get.
Papa Nick and I are great friends and I want to follow his workout so this will be similar to his training log only I am much weaker and skinnier ahaha. I am 5’8 158 lbs as of this morning. I will post pics when I get home and update this original post if I get my numbers for the first 2 days wrong because I am going off of strictly memory.
So I have been working out for about 2 weeks straight now and am ready to start going heavier now.
Here is what I did for Monday:
Barbell benches:
Warmup = Bar only x 12 reps
135x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x4 (note: I tried 175 last week and almost didn’t get 3 reps so I improved.)
Incline Flys:
40x6, 45x6, 50x6, 55x6, 60x4 (Note: I am not sure I am doing these right. I may need to get on youtube and see how the correct form is when doing these.)
Seated DB Press:
30x6, 35x6, 40x6, 45x6, 50x6, 55x6 ( I plan on starting a bit heavier and going from there. It didn’t get tough until I hit 50’s to be honest.)
Lateral Raises:
20x8 for 4 sets. I am going to try to up this to 25lbs but again I need to make sure my form is right.
Skull Crushers (I can’t do these right now because they hurt my right elbow. This comes and goes so when it goes I will be going back to these because when I used to workout I loved these. I substituted tricep pull downs)
100x12 - warm up
130x6, 140x6, 150x6, 160x6, 170x6, 180x4 (I was using the triangle for these)
Machine Dips (I was supposed to do Rope Pulley Overhead Ext but I got mixed up)
Full weightX8 4 sets. (Note: I forget exactly what the all the weight equates to but I think it is like 255lbs. Instead of doing these I need to get belt that holds weights and do dips the regular way.)
Abs…I haven’t done abs yet but I need to. I think I may start off with abs so I get them out of the way.
I will get the numbers exactly right when I get home and I will include yesterdays workout as well. I feel like I could be working out harder, but I am also worried about hurting myself in the long run like my father. He worked out hard for about 10 years and now he has to torn up rotater(sp?) cuffs. I don’t want to turn into that person and would rather be able to workout for a long time so I will be listening to my body very carefully.
My goals are to be 170-175lbs lean by the time my birthday comes around which is June 10th. I will be sticking to Papa Nicks diet as best I can with my own little modifications in there. However I do play basketball a couple times a week so the weight will be a little harder for me to put on I imagine. I will also be doing plyometrics 3 times a week to help with explosiveness and quickness because I am tired of being slow on the court.
I am pretty excited to see how I do and any advice or criticism is very much appreciated. I can only go up from here!