Meltdown and fat fast

Hello,I am doing FF and have a qustion for you guys. I tried meltdown training for a week while on FF and I could not get all the reps(I was using approximately 70% of my strength). So I was wondering what I should do, keep trying to get as many reps as possible, lower the weights or do what Brock did? Any input, Brock or anyone else?

Yup I’m trying the same thing…though I nearly died just doing my regular warm-up weight…hehehee. I love it. Meltdown training is so system shocking that I’m passing out just squatting 45’s!! grin.

As for diet, I’m trying out a hybrid fast fat-Tdawg approach. I start out every morning with a 1/2 cup of porridge just to keep the brain functioning over the day…then my meals are still just F+P but I’m trying to use real foods rather than pure flaxseed oil. The scent of that stuff makes me vomit, so I’m trying Udo’s and Salmon Oil pills…
good luck!

Yup I’m trying the same thing…though I nearly died just doing my regular warm-up weight…hehehee. I love it. Meltdown training is so system shocking that I’m passing out just squatting 45’s!! grin.

As for diet, I’m trying out a hybrid fast fat-Tdawg approach. I start out every morning with a 1/2 cup of porridge just to keep the brain functioning over the day…then my meals are still just F+P but I’m trying to use real foods rather than pure flaxseed oil. The scent of that stuff makes me vomit, so I’m trying Udo’s and Salmon Oil pills…
good luck!

You’re not alone! The first issue that you’ll run into when doing the Melt Down protocol, regardless of diet will probably be an issue of fitness. I’ve been doing it for 4 weeks now and it’s been going PHENOMINALLY well! However, the first 4 workouts were the hardest, as my system was not used to the ‘shock’ and intensity level, let alone the cardiovascular demands of the program. Once you get past the break in period you’ll be fine, but YOU MUST PERSIST! The rewards are far to great to stop now. Hit it for the full 6 weeks. You also failed to mention whether you are using the supplement protocol that Brock did…which I can personally recommend as well. The androsol is KEY for strength maintenance and muscle retention. So in answer to your question, my advice would be to keep trying to get as many reps as possible, unless you are REALLY below your targets. The reps will come as your fitness levels increase. Also make sure to take md-6 and if possible power drive. I also sneak my post wo drink into the middle of my workout and sip it bit by bit as per Berardi’s advice…do that, and you may have your issue resolved right there. Hope this helps, keep up the good work.