Meet Results

Not a bad day. Ill start at the beginning. Warmups for the squat felt terrible. I didnt think i was low enough and i couldnt get the bar to remain stable on my back. I stopped my warmups at 495 because i had broken a sweat and felt loose enough to go. So i opened with 578.5 which was actually a 2.5 lb pr. The microphone went missing at the hotel so they were having to holler back to the back. I was the fourth lifter in the second flight and didnt even know we were on the second flight yet. So im up and i have one knee wrap on and my straps are still down. so i hurry and get to the bar. Good setup and suprisingly the weight just flew up like an empty bar. It was ridiculous. I had talked myself out of going for 700 on the way up and decided just to go for a big total. But after 578 i went 633. It felt like speed day. that weight was nothing. So i said lets go 700. I went a little too nuts and didnt set up good and only got half way up with it. But i was still extremely happy because i had at least 685 in me. Next was bench and the warmups felt great. I opened 314 and then went 345. both were easy. So i went 363. It was hard but i got it. 30 lb pr. Next was deadlift I was tired by the time i got here. So I popped some ephedrine and caffeine and waited for it to kick in. I was having trouble getting into position with my suit on. So i pulled my straps down lower on my shoulders to give me more room in my hips. 515 was heavy. 551 was even heavier. i was slow off the ground but was managing an easy lockout. So i told myself to just hold on and keep pulling and it would come up. I called for 584. I took a big dip and pulled and it went nowhere and then started slowly coming up. I kept pulling and pulling and finally locked it out after about what seemed like ten seconds. I put it down and damn near passed out Lars Hedlund style. So my total was 1580. This is a 135 lb improvement in three months. I had more in me on squat but am glad i at least went for 700. I weighed in at 257 so since march 29th ive gained 18 lbs, at least 58 lbs on my squat, 30 lbs on my bench, and 50 lbs on my deadlift. Gotta love westside! and 4adec.

700 lbs squat! Shit…and I was proud of my 415 :slight_smile: They’d be digging me out of the floor under the bar if I tried that (now). Congrats, bud. Way to represent the T-brood!

nice job Goldie. Congrats!

Besides our previous talk … I’ll say it again … NICE JOB !

Stay strong,

Goldberg, you are well on your way to a great career in powerlifting. After checking out some of the footage of your meet today, I don’t think you are too far away from Elite numbers. Your progression thus far has been unreal. Keep up the hard work, and you will be there in no time. Awesome job, and congratulations!

Goldie that is great, your progress is astounding. Where did you place?
Your previous squat pr was 576 yet you opened above that, why?

Damn, that’s pretty awesome that you’ve been able to put on the much weight on your lifts in 4 months. I guess I’ll have to give westside a try after the summer and maybe I’ll put on some real weight.


Thanks for the positive comments. I actually opened at 578.5 because i am a lot stronger now that i was at my last meet. My box squat was up almost one hundred lbs. I really didnt have a plan going in. All i knew was that i wanted to squat at least 6 and hopefully 7. the lifting was in kilos so i opened as close to my pr as possible.

Fantastic, Goldie. You’ve been working hard and it’s showing in your meet numbers!

Great job! Keep it up. It looks like your metal gear did well. Hopefully I’ll heal up well and will get back in the game.

excellent results. Keep making progress and keep us informed

congrats goldie!

those are some impressive numbers, and the hard work shows.

700 will fly up next time.


Congrats Goldberg, the squat has made some huge gains. I got a couple of quick questions for you. You’re lifting in uspf, right? What kind of equipment are you using? The metal squatter but what about for bench and deadlift?

Congrats on the gains - I only wish my numbers were going up as quickly as yours are. It’s back to Westside on the bench training for me and time to fix the deadlift technique.

That’s awesome. Interesting that your squat is more than your DL - you must be a natural squatter.

Do you DL sumo or conventional? I’m a natural squatter, but oddly, my conventional DL is stronger than my sumo.

shot bro, thats some outstanding numbers, especially the improvements!
keep it up bro,that kinda shit just makes the rest of us want to go that much harder.

Good job Goldberg!

Now ND…dont put yourself down! 415 is very respectable! and remember…you dont weigh over 200! You have to compare apples to apples.
I am not that much into powerlifting, but some of my partners have excelled. My old college roomie got a drug free 370 bench at 155 pounds…competition style…
And my friend and former training partner Montrosefan has done a 540 squat on a 3110 tempo at 190 pounds (yes…all the way down!) Now, THAT is power…

Again…job well done Goldberg!

Awesome. :wink:

Congrats Goldberg!

ND…415 is VERY respectable!..especially since you are not over 200 lbs.
I am not into powerlifting as my joints seem to be too small for those ballistic movements…but…I have trained with some guys who did.
My ex roomie back in college did a 370 bench…without a shirt…competition style…at 155 lbs. and my friend and former partner Montrosefan…squatted 540 for 1 on a 3110 tempo (yes…all the way down!)at 190 pounds.

Again…nice work Goldberg!

Congrats Goldberg!

ND…415 is VERY respectable!..especially since you are not over 200 lbs.
I am not into powerlifting as my joints seem to be too small for those ballistic movements…but…I have trained with some guys who did.
My ex roomie back in college did a 370 bench…without a shirt…competition style…at 155 lbs. and my friend and former partner Montrosefan…squatted 540 for 1 on a 3110 tempo (yes…all the way down!)at 190 pounds.

Again…nice work Goldberg!