Max Bench Warm-up

Tomorrow I’m going to be maxing out to check my progress, but I am not sure how to warm up properly. I’m planning to max at 265, and I am too afraid that I’m going to pre-fatigue my muscles before I do 265. I was planning to do: 135x3, 205x1, 225x1, and 245x1 before attempting 265.
Any Ideas?
How do your warm-ups for max bench look like?

-Thank you

bar x as many till feel comfortable
285x 3-5 second hold @ top
295X 3-5 second hold @ top
275X1 !!

A couple of key points/suggestions.

  1. Stay warm! keep your muscles/joints as warm as possible the whole time…but do not get fatigued! Maybe break a light sweat

  2. With the first sets (the bar until 195) I would personally like to alternate between the bench and Chest supported rows with a pause in the contracted position. Just do maybe 4-6 reps, making sure you “stay tight”. Stay light though

  3. For all of your reps, including the bar, keep the reps and form tight. I.E. Controlled ECC. slight pause and fast CON.

  4. @ 195, focus soley on bench. Keep the reps tight and rest anywhere from 2-5 minutes between sets, depending on how you feel.

  5. On the holds, just hold the weight to get a feel for it.

  6. On the set after the holds, grip the bar tight, it is going to feel lighter than you think, so grip hard, lower under control and explode up!

These are just suggestions/preferances. It is an individual thing, so be aware of your body. Hopefully others will chime in with what they think and you can make your own decision.



[quote]alocubano1110 wrote:
Tomorrow I’m going to be maxing out to check my progress, but I am not sure how to warm up properly. I’m planning to max at 265, and I am too afraid that I’m going to pre-fatigue my muscles before I do 265. I was planning to do: 135x3, 205x1, 225x1, and 245x1 before attempting 265.
Any Ideas?
How do your warm-ups for max bench look like?

-Thank you[/quote]

Do this,

20 reps with just the bar

8r with 135lbs

5r with 185lbs

2r with 225lbs

1r with 245lbs

1r with 255lbs

1r with 265lbs

lots of rest in between sets

Don’t do too much static stretching, it will hurt your 1RM attempt.

[quote]Tags wrote:
bar x as many till feel comfortable
285x 3-5 second hold @ top
295X 3-5 second hold @ top
275X1 !!

A couple of key points/suggestions.

  1. Stay warm! keep your muscles/joints as warm as possible the whole time…but do not get fatigued! Maybe break a light sweat

  2. With the first sets (the bar until 195) I would personally like to alternate between the bench and Chest supported rows with a pause in the contracted position. Just do maybe 4-6 reps, making sure you “stay tight”. Stay light though

  3. For all of your reps, including the bar, keep the reps and form tight. I.E. Controlled ECC. slight pause and fast CON.

  4. @ 195, focus soley on bench. Keep the reps tight and rest anywhere from 2-5 minutes between sets, depending on how you feel.

  5. On the holds, just hold the weight to get a feel for it.

  6. On the set after the holds, grip the bar tight, it is going to feel lighter than you think, so grip hard, lower under control and explode up!

These are just suggestions/preferances. It is an individual thing, so be aware of your body. Hopefully others will chime in with what they think and you can make your own decision.




wow. thank you very much for the info. i was in need of some kind of warm-up and this sounds interesting. again thank you.

[quote]Tags wrote:
bar x as many till feel comfortable
285x 3-5 second hold @ top
295X 3-5 second hold @ top
275X1 !!

A couple of key points/suggestions.

  1. Stay warm! keep your muscles/joints as warm as possible the whole time…but do not get fatigued! Maybe break a light sweat

  2. With the first sets (the bar until 195) I would personally like to alternate between the bench and Chest supported rows with a pause in the contracted position. Just do maybe 4-6 reps, making sure you “stay tight”. Stay light though

  3. For all of your reps, including the bar, keep the reps and form tight. I.E. Controlled ECC. slight pause and fast CON.

  4. @ 195, focus soley on bench. Keep the reps tight and rest anywhere from 2-5 minutes between sets, depending on how you feel.

  5. On the holds, just hold the weight to get a feel for it.

  6. On the set after the holds, grip the bar tight, it is going to feel lighter than you think, so grip hard, lower under control and explode up!

These are just suggestions/preferances. It is an individual thing, so be aware of your body. Hopefully others will chime in with what they think and you can make your own decision.



alocubano1110 wrote:
Tomorrow I’m going to be maxing out to check my progress, but I am not sure how to warm up properly. I’m planning to max at 265, and I am too afraid that I’m going to pre-fatigue my muscles before I do 265. I was planning to do: 135x3, 205x1, 225x1, and 245x1 before attempting 265.
Any Ideas?
How do your warm-ups for max bench look like?

-Thank you


i like what Tags wrote, but with a few small changes:

95x5x as many till feel comfortable
285x 3-5 second hold @ top
295X 3-5 second hold @ top
275X1 !!

You are very correct that most use too much energy on a max warmup.

Good luck, i do 5-6 warmup sets before my BP opener BTW.


Very good information. thank you Matt- and jackreape. by the way, i like the modifications jack, that 250x1 looked a little to heavy and might make me a little tired before my max attempt.

This is where it becomes a matter of preferance. For me, I need to feel the weights get heavier a little a time to let the CNS wake up, or I ll end up getting out of groove on a max attempt. Either way best of luck and let us know how it works out.


BTW, while we may have your attention Jack, how would you go about a squat/dl warmup to a max? In training vs in comp.?

[quote]alocubano1110 wrote:
Very good information. thank you Matt- and jackreape. by the way, i like the modifications jack, that 250x1 looked a little to heavy and might make me a little tired before my max attempt.[/quote]

hahaha wtf, lots of warm up. I just swing my arms in circles for 30 seconds lol.

A real low weight 10 to 20 rep set to start or some pushups might be a good addition. One or two row or pull up warm up sets to get your back fired up a bit might help too.

One final little tip that can help a lot is after your final warmup set load the bar about 20% more than your max and unrack it and hold it an inch or so from lockout for about 10 seconds. Fires up the nerves and makes the max attempt feel less heavy.

Good luck.

Hey everybody, I just want to thank you for all the good information. Today I was able to get 265 but didn’t come close to 275 haha. 265 felt like it came up pretty easy and my spotter said that it looked like I could have gotten 270. Next time I’ll go for 275. Again thank you everybody for the help.