A show where one can see an overweight man eat a ridiculous amount of food.
An ex of mine actually got me into this show… it’s really awesome. We made it to a few of the places where she cheered me on in the challenges(some of which are ridiculously difficult, that dude can put away some food).
It’s actually quite an entertaining show.
He hasn’t seem to have gotten any bigger since starting the series almost a year ago.
So what do you guys think? Does he do a semi-fast for a day or two before a challenge? Like eating just small amounts of food to keep him from getting sick but not enough to make him feel full. Some of the challenges are an absurd amount of food and he excels fairly often.
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
So what do you guys think? Does he do a semi-fast for a day or two before a challenge? Like eating just small amounts of food to keep him from getting sick but not enough to make him feel full. Some of the challenges are an absurd amount of food and he excels fairly often. [/quote]
From what I understand, if you’re going to have an eating contest like this, it’s best to eat a HUGE breakfast… like as much as you can possibly fit in your stomach to stretch it out, then eat nothing for the rest of the day until you’re going to have your contest which is hopefully 6+ hours later.
Every time I put the dinner plate in front of my 6 year old he says “I accept this challenge”. Love the show cause now my kid will actually finish his plate.
Been watching this show since the first episode last year, what is not to like about eating a ton of food? Man v. Food - Wikipedia He does exercise, but it mostly running and no weights from what I’ve heard, but I commend the guy, he actually has a Master’s degree.
I just watched the one where he put down the Big Texan. 72 oz (4.5 lbs) of angus beef aged for a couple weeks so it is the essence of pure tenderness. He DEMOLISHED the steak, a baked potato and a side salad in something like 29 minutes.
Watching that show makes me jealous that he gets to eat all that awesome food and i don’t get to! They had an episode in ohio that depicted a cafe place there that has a huge burger that isn’t on the menu. I think it was called the thurmanator, for all the guys that compete at the arnold every year after the contest of course.
I think this show needs to start being discussed after every episode on here.
Just watched the Phoenix episode…
Man that last challenge was insane, he did pretty damn well eating 10/12 sliders… retarded how he had to do it in under 30min.
[quote]therajraj wrote:
I think this show needs to start being discussed after every episode on here.
Just watched the Phoenix episode…
Man that last challenge was insane, he did pretty damn well eating 10/12 sliders… retarded how he had to do it in under 30min.[/quote]
Yea, the 30 minute time limits are the ones that get him. That one with the 5 subs loaded up and topped with french fries. Shit he had like half a sub left, if he had more time he would have killed it. The ones he gets over an hour he seems to do well. He got smoked by 50 wings in 30 minutes. 50 wings is fucking a lot though, and he was dipping them in blue cheese, you can’t do that, it will fill you up twice as fast.
My friend (who has a ridiculous spice tolerance) tried one of the heat challenges that he did on the show.
He said he was not impressed by the amount of spice even though Adam Richman on the show was sweating and red faced. So even though I couldn’t do most of the spice challenges, he isn’t a God by any means.
A lot of the volume challenges are just insane though, like the one where he ate like 80 oz of steak, there were like 6 different cuts he had to eat.
[quote]Heracles_rocks wrote:
Watching that show makes me jealous that he gets to eat all that awesome food and i don’t get to! They had an episode in ohio that depicted a cafe place there that has a huge burger that isn’t on the menu. I think it was called the thurmanator, for all the guys that compete at the arnold every year after the contest of course. [/quote]
Yea I used to live right down the road from that place. Its the thurman cafe, I only ever ate there once though cause its really small and the line is always out the door.
Anyway not a bad show, its coll to see places where youve been
[quote]therajraj wrote:
I think this show needs to start being discussed after every episode on here.
Just watched the Phoenix episode…
Man that last challenge was insane, he did pretty damn well eating 10/12 sliders… retarded how he had to do it in under 30min.[/quote]
Those sliders aren’t even that good. I didn’t catch the show, but I have tried the sliders at “Chompie’s” (that’s where the challenge was, right?) and they’re not all that good. I can see how it would be hard to get down 12 in 30 minutes though.
I hate to point out the obvious here, but if that guy lifted heavy, he could get big. I’d kill to be able to eat that big.
[quote]inkaddict wrote:
[quote]therajraj wrote:
I think this show needs to start being discussed after every episode on here.
Just watched the Phoenix episode…
Man that last challenge was insane, he did pretty damn well eating 10/12 sliders… retarded how he had to do it in under 30min.[/quote]
Those sliders aren’t even that good. I didn’t catch the show, but I have tried the sliders at “Chompie’s” (that’s where the challenge was, right?) and they’re not all that good. I can see how it would be hard to get down 12 in 30 minutes though.[/quote]
Yeah they were bizarre, I’m not a fan of eggy bread, and putting essentially a hashbrown in the middle doesn’t sound all that appetizing. That challenge was all about quantity, the sheer amount of starch was crazy.
[quote]therajraj wrote:
[quote]inkaddict wrote:
[quote]therajraj wrote:
I think this show needs to start being discussed after every episode on here.
Just watched the Phoenix episode…
Man that last challenge was insane, he did pretty damn well eating 10/12 sliders… retarded how he had to do it in under 30min.[/quote]
Those sliders aren’t even that good. I didn’t catch the show, but I have tried the sliders at “Chompie’s” (that’s where the challenge was, right?) and they’re not all that good. I can see how it would be hard to get down 12 in 30 minutes though.[/quote]
Yeah they were bizarre, I’m not a fan of eggy bread, and putting essentially a hashbrown in the middle doesn’t sound all that appetizing. That challenge was all about quantity, the sheer amount of starch was crazy.[/quote]
The best tasting part of it, was the bread. The rest was just blah.
Sorry, but No Reseverations beats the hell out of Man vs. Food. I don’t care how impressive some of his meals are, the show just can’t compete.