I remember a few years ago when I incorporated them into my training I could do maybe 4 reps (bodyweight) @ best! Now I can crank out 9 easy! 10-12 possibly. it definetely helps having your own squat rack @ home and whenever you feel like gettn a quick pump just jump up grab the pullup bar & go to town! My bar isn’t completely straight though. It straight in the middle but then has a few bends in it like a lat bar. So when I do my pullups I use an overhead(prone) wide grip.
I also like doing thumb - thumb (touching) prone grip pullups. These realy works your brachialis! And to fox it up ill throw a close grip neutral row attachment over the bar and do them. Ill even put the rope attachment over and do pullups with the rope! Man these are fun! Hopefully 1 day I can get to 20 bodyweight prone wide grip pullups!
[quote]Curran wrote:
trav123456 wrote:
what’s your weight OP?
yeah this guy better be like 300lbs for me to give even a bird sized shit
idk, I just hit 10 strict pullups at 220 I’m pretty stoked about that. It’s nothing crazy but it’s decent progression. It’s kind of like hitting 2 plates for ten reps benching, nothing crazy but still a milestone in someones training.
im only 190 but ive never actually worked on inreasing my chin ups (palms away grip - a;; the way down/up).
for the last week ive incorporated 50 chins every other day no metter how mnay sets it takes me to hit the 50 mark.
before this week i could only get 8-9 max, i took 2 days off and came back to do 19??? wtf?? lol i may be light but my strength in ratio to my bodyweight is pretty weak for my liking.
If you guys are so critical with this guys progress what do you deem a good pullup number? Better yet whats a good number in relation to weight, body composition and experience? Im not chirping but legitimately curious to see what people think and where I stand in relation.
I weigh about 195 and at bw i can usually get 15 or 16 my first set then like 12 - 14 then 12, 12, 10. I can typically hit 50 reps in 5 sets.