Since I am not training for any Chin-up contests, I have changed my Pull-up sessions from higher reps to using some weight in my routine. I am now working in a range which is more for hypertrophy. The following is a workout that I had this morning which began at 10:45. It took about 14:30 to complete this part of the workout. I will do about 6 weeks of similar sessions, twice per week. Attempting to add reps (up to 12) as I go forward.
I went slower on the way down, exploding on the way up. Chin clearing the bar everytime. Arms fully extended in dead hang form for every rep.
This was a killer routine for two reasons: The first, I am not used to working with weight. The second, I am not used to only a :60 rest period between sets.
I am looking forward to 6 weeks of this as it has really added a much needed shot into my normal routine. After the six week period I will then go back to my normal high rep Pull-up/Chin-up workouts. Pushing toward my goal of 40 straight dead hang Chins!
you are the fucking KING of chins. just wanted to say thanks again for your previous post - i’m gunning for 3 sets of 10 for chins at 250lbs. tell you when i get it.
I didn’t know there was a Guiness record for Chin-ups/Pull-ups. I wonder what it is? Do they have them for contiuous and for so many in 10 min or 60 min? I have no idea. But, I bet there are some guys out there who can kick my butt!
I use a dipping belt on occasion. I also have some other “toys” that give me a different feel when I am on the bar.
I have a 10lb weight belt which I purchased at I also have A weight vest which can go from 20lbs all the way up to 70lbs. I purchased at