…for me.
Ramp 1 and training phase 1 were all good. Regularly setting PRs, felt good most of the time, but very run down towards the end of the training phase. Increased calories from 4000 a day to 4500+, getting 300 to 350 g of protein a day at a chubby 5.10, 95 kgs.
Problem one:
Work out at home.Most back thickness exercises with a barbell require heavy lower back involvement, which ties in with:
Problem two:
most thigh exercises (squat, front squat, GMs, lunges) also involve the lower back, which leads to:
Problem three:
Feeling weak on compound moves because lower back is hammered, and having to rly on the because of lack of equipment.
Solution to one, two and three:
Join a gym.
And I will.
Now, the others issues I have with the program, and this might lie in my execution of it:
I get a PR of 120x10 in the squat. Now, reducing the weigh about 10%, I get 10 with 105, and the next set 10 with 100.
The last sets completely drain me, to where squats suffer after any kind of press work, back work suffers after squats or tigh work and so on.
I realize I’m being a bit of a bitch about this, but I want the program to work for me.
Here are some ideas to keep up the progress, input much appreciated:
1:Add another rest day, making the format 6on, 2 off.
2:Join a gym where I have access to more equipment.
3:Eat more.
4: Choose exercises that go easier on the lower back, and not have for example T-bar Rows before Squats.
5:Start the program again, with all of the above in mind.
6:Start with the most taxing exercise every workout.Teh program called bor back before thighs today, and even incline presses before thighs. So I did T-bars and incliine presses before squats, fatiguing my shoulders and lower back to the point where 100 kg felt like 150, and I only got 13 weak reps.