Making a Band Deadlift Platform...

anyone got any ideas on how to build one of these? I can’t afford it.

Get a 2x12 wide enough for your stance, twist bands around the board, making sure they aren’t being crimped, and are equally placed on the bar.

What size bands should I be getting? I was thinking light bands for pulling and squatting.

For the platform im making, i left a small slit along the horizontal center of the platform. There I put another bar underneath the platform and hooked the bands to that. Im also in the dark about size of bands also lol

[quote]Pipes06 wrote:
For the platform im making, i left a small slit along the horizontal center of the platform. There I put another bar underneath the platform and hooked the bands to that. Im also in the dark about size of bands also lol[/quote]

I don’t quite get what you mean.

yeah its hard to understand cause im shitty at explaining something. Picture putting a board overtop a bar. Then set up your deads on top of the board which is on top of the bar. Then connect the end of the bar your standing on with your dead bar via the bands. I hope that makes it easier.

ahh, to add, just check my avatar. just imagine a bar underneath it with bands.

If you have access to a power rack you just put the bands under the bottom of the power rack. Make sure to keep weights on it so it doesn’t tip in one direction or the other once you start lifting.

I would say light bands would be good, you could go to average once you pull over 500 if you want, but setting up the bands under the rack as I am describing double loops them so it greatly adds to the tension. Average bands set up my style add about 150-200 lbs at the top as best I can tell.

I use the super mini bands, doubled - the second to smallest bands.

You could just go to Home Depot or Lowe’s, whatever is nearby and get a couple of Heavy Duty D Rings and attach them to some plywood with a couple of small bolts, washers and nuts.

Get a couple of 2’x4’ pieces of 3/4" thick plywood and screw them together to form a 1 1/2" thick base. Decide where you are going to attach the D-Rings and drill the holes all the way through the two sheets. Flip the board over and drill some larger holes to recess the head of the bolts. Use a washer and pass the bolts through the bottom so they are sticking out on top, flip the board right side up and slide the D-Rings over the bolts and secure them with nuts.

Most Heavy Duty rings are rated for 5-10,000lbs of force, so as long as your plywood base is strong enough, and you use a washer and the right size bolt, you shouldn’t have any problems. If you just try to screw the D-Rings down with regular screws, they will probably end up ripping out on you.

Here’s a photo of a D-Ring.

[quote]Modi wrote:
You could just go to Home Depot or Lowe’s, whatever is nearby and get a couple of Heavy Duty D Rings and attach them to some plywood with a couple of small bolts, washers and nuts.

Get a couple of 2’x4’ pieces of 3/4" thick plywood and screw them together to form a 1 1/2" thick base. Decide where you are going to attach the D-Rings and drill the holes all the way through the two sheets. Flip the board over and drill some larger holes to recess the head of the bolts. Use a washer and pass the bolts through the bottom so they are sticking out on top, flip the board right side up and slide the D-Rings over the bolts and secure them with nuts.

Most Heavy Duty rings are rated for 5-10,000lbs of force, so as long as your plywood base is strong enough, and you use a washer and the right size bolt, you shouldn’t have any problems. If you just try to screw the D-Rings down with regular screws, they will probably end up ripping out on you.

Here’s a photo of a D-Ring.[/quote]

sounds good, I’ll post a picture when I do this hopefully.

[quote]Pipes06 wrote:
ahh, to add, just check my avatar. just imagine a bar underneath it with bands.[/quote]

I get it now. I was just being stupid :slight_smile:

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
I use the super mini bands, doubled - the second to smallest bands.[/quote]

how much do you pull?

[quote]Tim Henriques wrote:
If you have access to a power rack you just put the bands under the bottom of the power rack. Make sure to keep weights on it so it doesn’t tip in one direction or the other once you start lifting.

I would say light bands would be good, you could go to average once you pull over 500 if you want, but setting up the bands under the rack as I am describing double loops them so it greatly adds to the tension. Average bands set up my style add about 150-200 lbs at the top as best I can tell.[/quote]

I do not have acess to a power rack. I have to stack 45s and put a mat over them to do block pulls or pulls from a deficit.

How do you squat with no rack?

[quote]zephead4747 wrote:
pushmepullme wrote:
I use the super mini bands, doubled - the second to smallest bands.

how much do you pull?[/quote]

Last time I did that, I was about 280 raw. I haven’t done it in months, tho.

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
zephead4747 wrote:
pushmepullme wrote:
I use the super mini bands, doubled - the second to smallest bands.

how much do you pull?

Last time I did that, I was about 280 raw. I haven’t done it in months, tho.[/quote]

I’m impressed. Do you compete raw?

Is this something you will be carrying with you to the gym, ie does it need to be portable, or will it just stay at home?

Mine is detailed here:

[quote]Tim Henriques wrote:
How do you squat with no rack?[/quote]

Out of something similar to this I’d imagine;

[quote]Hanley wrote:
Tim Henriques wrote:
How do you squat with no rack?

Out of something similar to this I’d imagine;[/quote]

Yeah, that is what I figured. You might able to hook the bands up underneath the squat stand, although you may have to have a bar on the squat stand with weights on it to hold the stand down.

Might be easier just to hook up the bands around 2 very heavy dumbbells, they should fit under the bar and it should not compromise the stance too much unless the person is doing sumo style.