Maintenance Days on Great Guns

I’m going to start the Great Guns in 12 Weeks workout by Ian King. He recommends two maintenance days. I’m just really confused on what to do for maintenance days. I would like to do two maintenance days. If anyone has the time could you please look at this workout and help me figure out what exercises to do and the set/rep schemes? It would be really appriciated.

When I did this program, I switched around between 4x6, 5x5 and 6x4 with 6-7 different exercises per workout over the course of the 12 weeks. Since my maintenance days were not back-to-back, I performed a Total Body Training style focusing on compound lifts and some isolation of the lower body parts.

Focus on Bench (BB, DB, flat, incline, decline), DL (narrow, sumo, straight leg), squat (wide, narrow, box), pull-ups, chin-ups, rows, reverse-hypers, glute-hame raises, good mornings, militaries, etc.

You could take a look at Chad’s Total Body Training and select exercises that he lists, but I’d lift in the 4x6, 5x5 and 6x4 range on the maintance days. You should be able to find sufficient diversification to maintain the non-targeted group over the 12 week program.

BTW, I think you’ve made a good choice; I’ve learned a lot from Ian’s programs, especially Great Guns in 12 Weeks.

There is an article on maintenance training in the Archives. I think it was in 1999 or 2000. I can’t remember the name of it, but it addresses your needs, especially for what you are planning to do.

Start looking through the Archives (above) and find the article and use the information.