Hi all. I’m new here and had a question about Mag-10. I’m very interested in trying the product, but my knowledge regarding anabolic substances isn’t too broad. I know there are various strategies that can be implemented during/after a steroid cycle to minimize the gains lost after discontinuing the cycle (e.g. tapering, using HCG to “restart” t production, etc.) What I’m wondering, assuming Mag-10 is as good as you all have been saying and because of this endogenous t will drop during use, what specific dosing and/or supplement strategies could you recommend to keep the gains I experience on a cycle of Mag-10? Thanks for any advice you can give me.
If you do a two week cycle, then you don’t need anything to come off. Your T will pop right back up. Adding something like Tribex-500 post-cycle wouldn’t hurt though.(This is what I’m going to do.) But basically, two week cycles = no need for anything to come off.
It would be beneficial to come off with Tribex and possibly Vitex if using longer cycles. Clomid would work too if you have access to the drug. Biotest’s upcoming product “M” (an estrogen squasher that has Vitex plus a couple of other potent goodies in it) may work for coming off long cycles of MAG-10 but that’s not been studied closely yet.
Hopefully that info is correct; I was just trying to do my best Bill Roberts imitation since he’s answered that question a few times before.