lower body fat

I really need help. I’m 7 1/2 weeks out and my lower body (hamostrings/ glutes in particular) look like shit. it seems all the fat is staying there. i’ve heard that this could be due to higher than normal estrogen levels. this show is drug tested so natural remedies only please. i’m freaking out because its not going away.

Usually Yohimbe does the trick. Try taking one 5mg yohimbine tab every four hours, or one 1000mg yohimbe herb capsule, every four hours. MD6 has 2.5 mg per capsule.

Bodz, can i take the yohimbe with eca? all i can get is twinlab yohimbe fuel at 8mg per pill. how many per day? with eca, or alternate every 2 hours?

Dosage recommendations are 10-20 mg. daily. Combine with ECA. If it were me, at this stage, I would take one capsule with ECA, first thing in the morning and again 6 hours later with ECA. I would see how I felt, since it can incease heart rate, and work up to one capsule every four hours with ECA for a total of three per day (24 mg).

Even though i dont like reccomending any type of drug for a natural bodybuilder try taking nolvadex in the last 4 weeks if you can get it ,you should notice considerable hardning and a decrease in fat especially if your estrogen levels are high ,try it youll be suprised . I havent tried clomid but this could also work .

Try adding yohimbe, or better yet take a thermogenic that contains yohimbine like MD6 or Adipokinetix. Realize that that area of your body will be the last to come in due to the fact that cardio will cause you to hold alot of water in your legs. If your legs are still looking like shit a few weeks out you probably just aren’t lean enough.