Yohimbine boosts Test and burns fat...

I’ve read that Yohimbine will boost Testosterone levels and will stimulate Beta-2 receptors in subdermal fat, thus being beneficial in reducing resistant fat (around abs, etc). I’m interested in the latter effect… and view the former as a somewhat useful side-effect.

I’m interested in anyone’s opininon of this, since I’ve been offered a bulk price of about US$450,00 for 1kg of Yohimbe (3% Yohimbine), which I can split with a few friends so we each pay about $50 or so for about 110g. That’ll last quite a while if properly cycled.

I’m thinking of stacking it with 25mg Ephedrine in an ECA stack for a once-off morning dose for fasting state cardio 2 days a week. Any opinions on that strategy, the stack or dosages?

Tracer: be very careful mixing ephedra and Yohimbine. You’ll experience AT LEAST an uncomfortable increase in heart rate, possibly palpitations, tremors, and anxiety. Prolonged use of both substances causes a down-regulation of their respective cell receptors so that the same fat-loss effects can only be gained by ever increasing doses. So, what I do is to alternate them, never using either one for longer than 2 weeks at a time. On cardio days, I take a buffered aspirin powder along with a green tea capsule, and then stack it with EITHER ephedra, yohimbine, or Hot Rox. Then I kick back for 45 minutes to an hour and drink a cup of coffee (alternatively, you could take a No-Doz instead of a green tea capsule and kick back with a cup of green tea!). Then I hit the cardio for an intense 16 minutes (5 minute warm-up and 5 minute cool-down on either side) while keeping hydrated with a glass of ice water. This gives me a 21 minute window in which my heart rate is within target range (65%-85% of max HR) and if I’m disciplined enough to do this 3x per week, I’ve got the aerobics covered as promoted by Kenneth Cooper. Each week or two weeks I switch stacks…

Kenneth Cooper? Do you know what site this is? Don’t ever say that name around here again,hehehe!!! Seriously, the yohimbine is best as a stimulant when taken orally but not that great for spot reduction of bodyfat. For this you need a topical form of the yohimbine that is applied to the problem area, one or two times/day. To do this you just need to add your yohimbine to a topical solution. You can purchase DMSO through many websites online. Add your yohimbine to the DMSO and you are good to go. PM me if you need a source for the DMSO.

I’ve never seen anything to indicate that yohimbine increases T levels. I think this may be a myth.

Loop & Lite: I agree with both. For my wife, I purchased a second-hand magnetic mixer (like we used in high school chemistry), put the DMSO into a beaker, crushed up a couple of yocon tablets, and let 'er mix. Whatever did not dissolve got filtered out through a coffee filter. I agree: this solution applied twice a day to the problem areas works better than the oral but personally, I still like to alternate stacks just to avoid tachyphyllaxis.

That’s a ripoff. Get yohimbine hcl from bulk-nutrition instead.

Also check out beyond a century (do a web search). They sell a lot of stuff in powder form pretty cheap.


after googling yohimbine …

so what do you do with the raging hard on this stuff gives you when you take it? Just tape it to your leg or what?