Low Test/High Tren Cycle

So its been around 12 weeks i’ve been cruising… and waiting for all the 19-Nor sides to go away. Sex drive and erections are back like they should be. But feeling a little bit small now.

Planned on another blast later in the year… considering a gram of test with human grade hgh… but for now I was considering a low test, high tren cycle for like 4 weeks. I’m 5 weeks into some German Volume training on 100mg human grade cyp 2x a week, .5 mg arimidex E3D.

Is it true that tren sides are almost non existent on this type of cycle? Couple people have said there’s no sleep or sex sides when doing a low test, high tren cycle with caber or prami?

Not believing it really, but any input

going in for blood tests again before I start anything

Everyone is different so you’ll just have to see for yourself but I think the general concensous is that lower the test, less sides, don’t go too low though obviously

What ELS said. I can’t speak personally because o love Test and am a Test whore. But I have heard from many people to lower the Test dose and my sides would be very minimal. How ever I can’t talk my self into that so I run I just deal with it.

I was thinking just going up to 300mg/wk of test, from my 200mg cruise… and like 75mg/day Tren Ace for 4 weeks… then about another 8 weeks of cruising and then a big blast.

300 would be too much…200 or less for the test.

I did 200/600 and some lethargy, insomnia, and a sweaty mess where my sides.

Got lean and strong, but zero mass gain, even with the bad carb cravings I was giving into lol.

For size test is where it’s at, but anything else the low test/tren is the shizzle.

Do you think most would respond to it like you… or is it possible to make gains on this type of cycle?

Ive seen guys gain on Anavar and Winny only cycles, lol… So I never know anymore?

[quote]JKriminal wrote:
Do you think most would respond to it like you… or is it possible to make gains on this type of cycle?

Ive seen guys gain on Anavar and Winny only cycles, lol… So I never know anymore?[/quote]

Its possible sure but honestly at 1000mg of Tren I didn’t see much size gains at all. Recomp on the other hand was ridiculous and strength gains holy fuck.

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Google a thread called “The laws of Trenbolone”…its at promuscle and has grown pretty ridiculous, but it’s almost 50/50 who gets big and who leans out…I just happen to do the latter…also a lot of guys have almost no side effects on the low test.

Good bathroom reading lol!!!

Google a thread called “The laws of Trenbolone”…its at promuscle and has grown pretty ridiculous, but it’s almost 50/50 who gets big and who leans out…I just happen to do the latter…also a lot of guys have almost no side effects on the low test.

Good bathroom reading lol!!!

Pretty interesting opinion for sure. And I’d have to agree with it.

So running 200mg cypionate per week while cruising and adding say 75mg Tren Ace Mon-Sat would be alright?
And is running the tren for only 4 weeks worth it? I just want to a quickie before a blast next month and even if I solid up and gain a cpl lbs im happy.
I just got pharmacy grade prami and have some hGH kicking around too.
What would my dose of prami be?

Any point running hGH say 5iu on workout days 2iu in Am, and 3iu Pre WO? Or save it for when I go high test again?

What about even adding Tbol? Been reading about that for a bit. I’m not really a fan of orals, but tbol sounds alright

Not that I have a ton of experience. But I will endorse tbol 100% of the time. Roughly same gains as I saw on dbol with far less water retention. Less estrogen and it lowers SHBG making everything else you are running slighlty more potent.

It isnt as strong so id say run it at 80mg a day for what you want. But even on a cruise 20mg to compliment your test e is awesome.

Doesnt Tbol take forever to kick in? I dont mind starting it earlier than the tren, but im thinking no more than 6 weeks. Is it possible or worth it? and I probably wouldnt exceed 60 mg/day.

Ive never noticed it taking forever. Usually after day 3 I feel it. And I think 6 to 8 weeks is the sweet spot for length with regards to stress on the liver.

I always take milk thistle and have never had any crazy numbers on bloodwork.

I just created a Tren = Lethargy? thread. I saw yours afterward. Damn.

Anyway, my main sides with low Test + 500mg a week of Tren is insomnia… and lethargy. No damn night sweats though. Every previous cycle with Tren I was super driven, so it surprised me, but today I read a lot of threads about people feeling lethargic and unmotivated on Tren. So I won’t do it anymore. 200mg a week of Tren added to other gear seems the sweet spot for me.