10 Weeks Into Tren A and Test E Cycle

I’m on TRT (full time for 3 years now) @ 100mg/wk Test E + AI and HcG. I’m 48 years old in excellent condition, very low body fat.

Once a year, I like to “blast” for 12 weeks. Usually just take the Test up to 500mg/wk but this time wanted to try some Tren A along with it.

I’m 10 weeks in…started with 2 weeks of just the Test E @ 500mg/wk then kicked in the Tren A @ 75mg EOD.
*I’ve since increased my Tren to 80mg EOD and like the way that feels.

*Taking Arimidex .25 mg EOD and Hcg 250 EOD through the cycle.

My questions are these…

  1. Can I extend the Tren from 8 weeks to 10 with no issues? Most people say 8 weeks is enough but I didn’t really feel the Tren kick in (noticeably) until about week 4. That would make my cycle 14 weeks in length rather than 12 as I will still finish off with 2 weeks of just Test at the end.

  2. I’ve read a lot about going light on the Test and heavy on the Tren for best gains but a good buddy (pro level BB) told me to go with the dosage I’m using. Is this maybe why I didn’t feel the Tren kick in sooner? Is the way I’m doing it as effective? Suggestions?

The only sides I’ve experienced are added sweating, little bit of acne and a slight drop in sex drive…all manageable. My body fat is down significantly and I’m filling out nicely. No big increase in weight or strength but quality muscle for sure.

Any thoughts/insights much appreciated.


I don’t have a direct answer but will question the statement that you went from 100mg of test a week to 500mg plus added tren and your strength didn’t skyrocket… That makes no sense at all

Strength went up but nope didn’t sky rocket…of course we are dealing with underground lab shit so probably underdosed. That said, it clearly must be decent as my muscles are a lot more full and definitely getting ripped.

Sure extend the tren an extra 2 weeks

The kick you felt in week 4 was from the test increase peaking and that would have had an affect on total anabolic/androgens in the blood making you “feel” the tren.

“The only sides I’ve experienced are added sweating, little bit of acne and a slight drop in sex drive…all manageable. My body fat is down significantly and I’m filling out nicely. No big increase in weight or strength but quality muscle for sure.”

Sounds like tren to me. Keep it going.

I always feel like my body ‘shrink wraps’ when on tren, even on 2g of gear (1g test c and 1g deca) using tren a 100mg eod I feel like my body gets smaller. 2 - 3 weeks in my weight stays the same (around 220lbs) but the muscles have a more ‘quality’ pop to them and strength gets very strong & carbs do nothing to my body composition which is a plus while bulking :smiley:

Thx Diluted!

I would try dosing the Tren ED instead of EOD. For many I’ve advised this too you see a noticeable difference in all aspects of Tren not including sides. As far as extension yea that’s fine. As long as you keep a test base you should be fine. Next time try that tren dose at your TRT dose. Might do wonders. Good luck.


Thx Chizeled!

Next run I will do the 50mg Tren A ED…total 350 mg/wk. So you’re saying that’s a decent dose when combined with my TRT dose of 100mg Test E/wk? What kind of results should I expect?

How long a break before I could run the Tren A again? (as per your advice with my TRT)

PS I find the Tren injections (I use insulin needles and hit the quads and shoulders) very very painful. Burns going in and then hurts for a good day.

PSS I think going less Test and more Tren might be the way to go as well. Been doing a lot of reading on it and seems to be the consensus…I followed a so called experts advice and went with the 500-600 mg/wk of Test and now thinking that’s why the results weren’t that great…I expected more for sure.

I would highly reccomend the high tren/low test run next time. I did it on my last cycle (2 week short cycle), and felt amazing. No difference in weight, but I didn’t change my cals so there you go. Tren sides (aside winded feeling) disappeared at that dose, felt amazing like I said.

this may sound stupid but can you guys explain the fat loss you experienced, are we talking like visual changes day to day? or am i expecting too much?

boatguy…what was the ratio of T to Tren? How many mg of each?

Fat loss was significant…weight was about the same but definitely ripped me up. Of course I was eating super clean as well but muscles felt nice and full and tight. Abs are kick’n!

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