Strangely, I had never read anything on here linking Tren & lethargy but I googled it and find it’s quite common. I’m surprised as previous cycles that included Tren usually made me super driven. It was FUN. Has that ever happened to you guys?
It’s only the second time I have used low Test (150-200mg per week) + 500mg Tren per week. Besides insomnia, and drastic appetite reduction (which I actually like as I always diet on Tren), I got none of those nasty night sweats this time. My cardio is always pretty damn good as I train MMA style, and my muscle endurance is greater on Tren so to me it helps, not hinders it at all.
What’s much different this time around is I feel lethargic. I always have light sleep when on Tren, but it didn’t bother me before as I needed one less hour of sleep overall, and felt driven. Now I need slightly more sleep, and feel tired and unmotivated, so the light sleep thing does suck. Past cycles were Tren + Test + Masteron, with Tren around 200mg per week. Seems I’ll be getting back to that. I had never read about Tren causing lethargy so I didn’t expect it to a part of the problem I’m having.
So while most notorious Tren sides are indeed gone on low Test + Mid/High Tren as opposed to High Test / Low Tren, I find the lethargy unbearable, and quite unproductive for my work too! Oh and my sex drive, while greater than off cycle, is a far cry this time than my usual lusting maniac self while on cycle ’ it can be quite ridiculously high so in a way it’s not that bad it turned out this way LOL, just that I wanted to let you guys know. Your input is appreciated of course.
No real input, but a few weeks in on 600 tren/200 test I get lethargy so bad I start skipping gym days quite regularly so it seems counterproductive…six weeks was a bit too much but I had to keep going as the results were so damn awesome lol
One thing that got me thinking though: while I look the part of being on Tren and all, my recuperation SUCKS. Does that happen to you too? I skip training days not only by lack of motivation, but because I’m tired and not fully ready to go.
I used to mix about 200mg Tren with 500mg Test and 200 mg Masteron, and I felt great, motivated, recuperation was super fast, and was just so damn horny all the time. Take out the Tren, which I sometimes did for the last 2-4 weeks before going off, and I already felt off. To me, it’s almost that if there’s no Tren on the cycle, I don’t really feel “on”. But obviously the high Tren/low Test approach doesn’t seem a good fit for me. Too much of a good thing probably. Nice though to not have those damn night sweats.
I feel the same, I tren is so powerful but it certainly makes you feel it.
Damped libido, poor sleep, and heavy breathing, plus I heard it is an initiator for certain types of cancer.
You can take dopamine agonists to help with the libido, but the rest your kinda stuck with.
Tren seems to really hinder cardiovascular efficiency, and if you are one of those people who rely greatly on or flip frequently to aerobic rather than anaerobic then you really feel the drag. I felt something similar the time I tried insulin.
I would rather lay on the couch and nap instead of go to the gym about 4 weeks in lol
This summer I ran a G of a test blend, pinned EOD, and felt great…tons of energy, work all day in the heat and not feel drained like my co-workers, got the biggest and stayed lean, and the best part was no crazy libido, but definately good.
I want to try 200 maybe 300 of tren this winter in a bulk, just to see if it’ll help keep me from getting too fat lol…
The only time I have ran Tren, I got some bad lethargy, I had to stop 2 weeks in. It was tren ace at 250mg per week, shot ED. BUT, the strength gains even in those 2 weeks were incredible (for two weeks).
A couple years back I did 200 test, 400 tren, and 600 EQ…I leaned out then as well but didn’t get so tired and run down feeling, so maybe 600 for tren is too much for me in that regard.
So it’s true then. I had never read anything about lethargy and Tren before searching about it yesterday. A mere 200 mg weekly added to another stack and it was super powerful. I guess that’s what I’ll keep doing in the future. 400+ mg a week doesn’t work well for me. It’s not only feeling tired, but my recuperation is bad, and training frequency it is one of the many fun things of being on AAS along with super drive. Both are obviously missing in action this time. I’m stopping this cycle right now. Lethargy SUCKS.
The only time I tried Deca I felt the lethargy big time too. Anything else has a rep for causing this so we can all avoid it?
So far, about 2.5 weeks into 350 Tren-E, and I have been getting all of the sides. I’m not sure if this thread is only about lethargy - but I can say I don’t feel quite as “on” as I did with Masteron. I am also INCREDIBLY pre-disposed to insomnia (lifer here,) and Tren has just made than an absolute terror in my life, which has in turn caused some lethargy.
…and then there’s the shortness of breath.
…being hot all the time.
…night sweats that smell like ammonia.
But so far the physical transformation has been well worth it, haha. I’ve heard a lot of people saying that as amazing as Tren is, by the end of the blast/cycle/whatever they’re normally very excited to be off. I foresee that happening with me.
Well if you use your 350mg with a lot of other gear, you will indeed get all the sides. Strangely, my cardio is always great, and my stamina weak link is muscle endurance which Tren helps so I have more overall endurance on Tren. I do feel the “shortness of breath” while getting to sleep and trying to relax though, but more like an inability to relax, not cardio related. On the low test higher Tren cycle, I didn’t sweat a lot, nor had any night sweats. But the lethargy makes it a no go.
buttfungus (ha ha what a name dude) points out to a GIGANTIC thread called the “The laws of Trenbolone”. Some do use low test paired with Tren A for just 2-3 weeks. This way you can use a very high dose of Tren, get a quick but dramatic body fat reduction, yet go off it before the lethargy kicks in so I might do that in the future, even though I prefer long esters (less pinning).
You guys are starting to scare me! I am in week 2 of 300 test prop/500 tren ace, nothing too bad yet. Shortness of breath when laying down and waking up randomly throughout the night (I haven’t had one full nights sleep since first pin) are the worst symptoms. Other than that, no lethargy, low libido, night sweats, insomnia, etc. Gym motivation is through the roof. I’m starting to feel tighter and leaner and feel like I always have a pump. I haven’t had any sides with any of my other cycles, dbol/test E and Test E/Mast E/Var. I have a feeling this cycle is going to get ridiculous!
[quote]BUDs wrote:
Have you checked your BP? Tren can cause a quick increase in RBC as well. Or it Could be other factors in your life [/quote]
If I have a slightly higher BP, fat burners are as much to blame. As for RBC, I have let out some blood this time. I suspect this has helped reduce… sweating! Which is usually more present and weird smelling (hmmmm, nice) on Tren cycles. Last night was the first time I’ve had night sweats on this cycle, but man I was drenched. Nasty. And my last Tren E shot was on Saturday.
As for another factor, yes there is one I suspected at first: constant fatigue I had before the cycle from a reaction to the Hepatitis vaccine from a few months back which has been linked to chronic fatigue syndrome and many posters on many boards have suffered from it, but while though not 100% sure as the fatigue caused by the vaccine can come and go, I think I’m over that. And I have read now a lot of posts about people feeling lethargic on Tren… like in this very thread. Still, f*ck those damn vaccines. Some people get nasty sides for something you take for prevention! Makes no sense at all. Not worth the risk at all.
[quote]MassiveGuns wrote:
12.5mcg of T3 = no lethargy.[/quote]
Many people don’t seem so sure about that. What makes you so convinced? You experienced the difference yourself?
I like T3 at 12.5 but doesn’t help me do much but sweat like kerazy while on tren…and maybe burn a few extra caliries, but no big increase in energy/ambition, etc. I tried 50mcg but its too much sweating and stimmed out feeling.
I like T3 at 12.5 but doesn’t help me do much but sweat like kerazy while on tren…and maybe burn a few extra caliries, but no big increase in energy/ambition, etc. I tried 50mcg but its too much sweating and stimmed out feeling.
I’ve read so many posts and threads on Tren that my head is dizzy LOL. I’m so amazed at how differently we react to AAS such as Tren, Deca and all. And then recommendations for prescription drugs and vaccines are the same for everybody? For some drastic differences, some report an INCREASE in hunger! While for most it’s the opposite. I know my appetite is waaay down on Tren at any dose, which makes dieting more easy by far.
I have NO cardio reduction on Tren while it seems frequent for most. This cycle of high tren/low test I had night sweats only a couple of times as opposed to frequently while on low tren/high test. In fact overall sweating was pretty normal. Training MMA on low tren/high test I could be totally drenched, and sexing the ladies I would cover them in sweat - which strangely, they all seemed to like or didn’t mind! I was disgusted with it, especially after the deed was done, but they were not so I stopped caring too LOL. I wouldn’t start sleeping with a new GF if having bouts of night sweats though.
Also on this high tren/low test I didn?t feel as dehydrated, and my urine was pretty normal. On past Tren cycles, it could be of a dark brownish taint, which doesn’t indicate things are normal (!) But as mentioned by the thread title, I felt lethargic, undriven, while adding 200mg of Tren to a cycle made me driven as hell in life, and I wanted to train all the time too.
Many reports of baaaaadddd temper. Mine gets worse but it’s manageable. It’s not THAT bad at all. It was worse when on Tren A but on Tren E I see little difference. Many reports anxiety and other mental issues. None for me. Again, I find it amazing the differences in reaction for the same compound!
So in summary for me: high tren/low test=normal sex drive. low tren/high test=mad out of this world sex drive. high tren/low test=light sleep and need more of it, feel tired and lethargic, recuperation sucks. low tren/high test=light sleep, frequent night sweats, but need less sleep and wake up feeling great. And another post, I’ll put forth an idea to do high tren yet reduce the bad results, but overall I’d rather go low tren.
For ultra fast body recomposition, I am wondering about using 100mg weekly of test + adding 500-800mg of Tren A (not E) and stopping as soon as sides become an issue, and probably for no more than 2-3 weeks in any case, and them switching to high dose orals for 2-3 weeks, and then switching back to another short Tren run. What do you think of this idea? It’s be a short targeted attack against fat.
What makes me hesitate is Tren cough. I never get it with Tren E, but have gotten it a few times with Tren A. Another alternative option I?ve seen is TRT Test + Tren A + NPP. I have hated my one Deca experience (lethargy again) so I wonder if NPP will suit me well. The goal with that combo is to use less Tren yet gain a lot of the same results.
Another idea that is quite opposite and more for long term use is very high doses of Test + a mere 100-200mg weekly of Tren to stay lean, keep appetite down, etc.
One thing is for sure, Tren ain’t no ordinary compound! It’s the first time I wonder if it’s worth using. When it works fine it’s so awesome, but still, what other gear gives us cough, night sweats, dark urine, bad temper and all? Doesn’t seem sane to use it LOL.