Lost My Way

Hey everybody, I have a request. I’ve been looking at some fat loss stuff on the site the past few days in my search to develop a program for myself.

I came across an article last night that had said something about how 10x3 is too much work for a single body part and recommended a lower amount of sets of 3 reps. I unfortunately can’t find this article anymore and really wanted to look over it again. Does anyone know what article this is?

I’m also looking for another article/post that has a before and after picture of Christian Thibaudeau.

Any help would be much appreciated.

[quote]Son of Man wrote:
I came across an article last night that had said something about how 10x3 is too much work for a single body part and recommended a lower amount of sets of 3 reps. I unfortunately can’t find this article anymore and really wanted to look over it again. Does anyone know what article this is?[/quote]
Sorry man, I’m drawing a blank. Whatever it is, it’s definitely not written by Chad Waterbury. 10x3 is his baby. His very effective, very big, strong, and ripped baby.

Here’s a probably-too-simple thought, can you check your web browser history and see if it’s still in there?

The Beast Evolves:

minotaur, thanks a lot. the beast evolves is definitely what i was looking for.

  • man

Waterbury’s Strength Focused Mesocycle would give lower numbered sets of 3 reps. But, I wouldn’t recall if it said that 10x3 is too much for a body part.