Let me start off by saying I’m 6" 0" or so, and weigh around 190 lbs. I’m a little bit chubby with fat mostly around my stomach and some on my chest.
I’m looking to drop some lbs.
Recently, I’ve begun to follow this routine.
3 eggs
2 scoops of whey protein
both with Flax Seed Oil pill and a multivitamin
A fruit with a bottle of water
Chicken with Flax Seed Oil Pill
A fruit with a bottle of water
Post workout:
2 scoops of whey protein with a Flax Seed Oil pill with a meal of either Chicken or some lean meat with a vegetable, with some Green Tea and my Flax Seed Oil pill.
After my dinner (about 30 min. or so later) I will eat another fruit mostly Blueberries or an apple.
My workout days:
Day 1: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders
3x8: BB Bench Press or DB Bench Press
3x8: DB Shoulder Press
3x8: Cable Flys
3x8: Rope Tricep Extensions
3x8: Bench Tricep Dips
3x15: Ab workout
With a 10 minute running session at the end with a 5 minute walk in the beginning and end.
Day 2: Biceps/Back
3x8: Lat Pulldown
3x8: Cable Rows
3x8: DB Rows
3x8: Reverse Flys
3x8: DB Shrugs
3x8: Preacher Curls
With a 10 minute running session at the end with a 5 minute walk in the beginning and end.
Day 3:
Basically the same as Day 1 but I cut out 1 or 2 workouts and mix in some legs.
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Begin all over again.
What should I do to tweak this workout/diet to get the most out of myself to lose some weight, which trying to keep some mass.