Self-Designed Fat Loss Program, Advice?

Hey T-Nation, this is my first post :D. So anyways, I’m going to school in the fall and my goal is losing about 20 pounds in body fat during this time and putting on some lean muscle mass. I’m decently lean already (not sure of my actual % body fat) so I’m thinking 20 pounds is going to be a push, but I wanted to try anyway. Here is my work out plan.

This is a combination of what I have learned over the past couple years about bodybuilding. And I wanted some expert opinions.

To start off, I take dance classes (jazz, ballet, tap, pilates, yoga, ab excersies) every monday, wednesday, and friday(I’m in a musical theatre program in college), for at least 3 hours a day on these days (goes up when rehearsing for shows).

Tuesdays: Chest/Back
5 Excersies per region
4 sets per excersise
5 reps per set
30 second rest period
High Weight

Thurdays: Guads/Hammy (I don’t want to kill my legs, I need them for dance)
3 excersies per region
3 sets per excerise
10 reps per set
1 minute rest period
Medium Weight

Saturdays: Biceps/Triceps/Delts
3 excersies per region
4 sets per excersise
5 reps per excerise
30 second rest period
High Weight

Sunday: Rest

I eat a fairly good diet consisting of roughly 160-180g of protein a day, high in good fats, a decent amount of carbs, roughly 1800-2200 calories a day, six meals a day, and pretty much only water to drink.

Now I’m completely new to supplements, one of my friends got me on fish oils and sports-oriented multivitamins about two months ago. I’m planning on continuing their use plus adding whey protein protein powder. Also, I’ve started drinking green tea.

Anyone have some advice to improve my workout plan?

[quote]AnarchyArc wrote:
I eat a fairly good diet consisting of roughly 160-180g of protein a day, high in good fats, a decent amount of carbs, roughly 1800-2200 calories a day, six meals a day, and pretty much only water to drink.

Now I’m completely new to supplements, one of my friends got me on fish oils and sports-oriented multivitamins about two months ago. I’m planning on continuing their use plus adding whey protein protein powder. Also, I’ve started drinking green tea.

Anyone have some advice to improve my workout plan?[/quote]

Routine sucks for the purpose of fat-loss, but your training isn’t really important when it comes to losing fat, it mostly diet, which is too low on calories, but you failed to include any personal info so you could be a 120lbs women.

If you train 3 days per week, you should do some sort of TBW instead of a split.

If you don’t eat fish regularly, you should definitely add some fish oil supplement.

Haha okay I understand, I’m 6’0, and 180 lbs. What is a TBW?

My routine was mainly in there for the purpose of maintaing muscle mass while using my diet, and the dance classes for fat loss.

Where did you find your routine?

I am right that Tuesday would like:

Chest 4x5
Chest 4x5
Chest 4x5
Chest 4x5
Chest 4x5
Back 4x5
Back 4x5
Back 4x5
Back 4x5
Back 4x5

= 200 reps

I guarantee you won’t make it past exercise 3 if you are using the weight you should be using on 4x5s.

Thursday looks ok
Saturday is silly for the same reason that Tuesday is wrong.

You should find a proper training program if you are completely new to setting your own program. There are three articles named Guide to Creating a kick ass training program, which is what you need to read.

Super-sets/Circuits. HIIT(Interval cardio).
As you said water and Green Tea. Make sure you’re eating enough.
You don’t want to shut down your metabolism.

Cut down on carbs and get on HOT-ROX (will help with cravings)

6ft 180lbs sounds pretty skinny to me? What’s your BF%

If you want to do heavy weight, you need more than 30sec rest.

if your trying to drop 20lbs before school, how long (weeks) till then?

an initial loss of waterweight can be more then 2lbs/wk, but after that waterweight is gone…a loss of more then 1-1.5lb/wk is gonig to be a loss of substantial muscle mass…so you will not be losing weight adn gaining muscle mass; you’ll lose both.

figure out what is more important. losing fat, or gaining muscle.

do that one first. (i suggest getting lean first; then gaining muscle mass)

as far as your program; like what others said; it sucks. sorry to say.

if your looking to get lean(er), then you need high intensity training. supersets, high reps, short rests (if any rests).

so answer these for us:
1.) what is your time frame for a 20lb loss?
2.) what is more important? (fast loss/muscle gain)

B Rock has it spot on.

Im on my 9th week of losing fat. I have gone from a fat ass 40" waist to a 33". I have about 3-4 weeks left.

Doing a workout like he explained above I have maintained all muscle mass.

And I just turned 30 and work 60hr weeks? NUTRITION, Supersets, HIIT

Just a thought…

You are 180lbs and 6’ tall? Loosing 20lbs of body fat would get you down to 160. I would focus on maintaining my weight and adding 20lbs of muscle and loosing 20lbs of fat.

Do the following
Go on
search “harris-benidict calorie calculator”
Calculate your calorie needs to maintain your weight
Follow that calorie level
Train heavy (lots of drops sets and tri sets, supersets with opposing muscle groups) followed by at least 20 mins of cardio
No food 3 hrs before bedtime
veggies before bedtime if you get hungry

try that and see where you are in a few months
a better rotine would be a full body routine or an upper lower split to change your body composition. You will stimulate more muscle mass at one time opposed to more divided split.

Yo dude. are you in calgary? Going to UofC or UofA? let me know. you need a better program for sure. Also hook us up with more info on diet specifics sir.
