Hiya guys I am a twenty year old male and have been working out for a couple of years. I was very fat up until I decided to change my life at eighteen and things have been a success as far as sticking with some kind of training consistently, staying motivated and such.
However the problem is when I started to exercise I would do weights as well as a lot of cardio, but knew nothing about nutrition, training, how to rest properly. This has lead me to lose an absolute shit load of weight, but it seems I had next to no muscle while obese and the long cardio sessions four nights a week stripped off any I did have.
I would go on these phases where I would do around 30-50KM of running per week and then couple of months later be doing none and just lifting weights with a shit routine and not having one routine to stick to.
So I got down to around 9 and a half stone or 61KG from about 92 KG at five foot 10 and built a bit of muscle well actually quite a lot compared to what i did have but I still have a lot of fat from the way I ate and trained. So in shot I am now skinny with fat, if that makes sense. I am now back to twelve stone but with a lot less fat and a lot more muscle. So body weight has changed in composition quite a bit.
Any way sorry for boring you, on with the story. I have been going to the same gym for a few years and when I started could not bench an Olympic bar on my own. I now bench around 60KG or 22KG dumbbell bench per hand, so while still poor lots of improvement.
A guy there, an absolute hulk of a man called James has constantly helped me out with spotting, encouraging me, telling me how you can notice improvements, but never actually offered advice just been a great guy and one of the few people who would try and make the fat weak guy in the gym good about himself.
So after all this time last week I asked him a question, I asked him how he gets so huge and has so little fat. He gave me such an honest answer it shocked me, he said, hard work, perfect diet and testosterone and other ped’s.
He said not to compare myself to him and some of the other guys because they were on things I was not. He then went on to explain he sees me every week come here with all the determination in the world, putting in all the effort but failing because of poor performance.
He said the advice I got online before telling me to train each muscle group once a week was in his opinion not optimal for someone with so little muscle and that he was skinny muscle wise and had high body fat when he was younger and the way he got bigger and stronger naturally before he touched any steroids was high frequency training, sticking to one program for the long term and doing something he called counting your marcows where like you measure all your food and stuff and have a specific goal like x amount of protein in grams, x amount of carbohydrate.
He said I have very little lean muscle and he recommends hitting each body part twice a week by using a three day split and repeating it twice with one day off. I also used to just lift as much as I could for as many lifts, I usually get to around 6 or 10, he said a higher range of lifts like 10 to twelve is better and do that three times per exercise.
This is the routine he recommended:
Monday and Thursday-Shoulder/Back/Bicep
1.Dumbbell shoulder press
2.Lateral raises
3.Front raises
4.Barbell rows
5.Dumbbell rows
6.Cable rows
7.EZ curls
8.Barbell curls
9.Dumbbell curls
Tuesday and Friday-Legs/Abdominals
1.Barbell squats
2.Leg extensions
3.Leg press
4.Calf raises
Wednesday and Saturday-Chest/Tricep
1.Dumbbell decline press
2.Dumbbell flat press
3.Dumbbell flies
4.Standing french press
5.CG bench press
6.Seated overhead Tricep dumbbell extension
I really trust this guy and he has been great and helped me a lot but I was wondering if this is really safe and if it is a good way to build muscle because I told my brothers and they said it is stupid and dangerous but this guy has no reason to lie, is far bigger than my brothers and has shown himself to be a good person and not the type of guy who would tell someone a lie for no reason.