Hello all! New to the forum and had just started TRT. Test on bloods was at 500 and got out on 200mg test cyp wk, 25mg anavar (ED), 100 mg deca wk, and anastrozole. I’m looking to break through a weight plateau. I weigh 230 lbs and I’m 6’6”. 10%BF. Looking to put some weight on and be more around 250lbs. I work out 5-6 days a week, strength and cardio. Any advice would be great. I used to bodybuild but never competed and never took PED’s. Anything I could add or take away or adjust to my dosing or meds would be great.
What is your diet? That is going to be the driver of weight gain.
More food.
More drugs do not equal more muscle. You need to eat and train to grow. How about giving more info on your training and diet.
I eat high protein meals with mostly carbs for fuel. Breakfast is mostly oatmeal, eggs, bread, milk, yogurt, protein bars.
Lunch is also a high protein meal like slab of salmon or chicken breast high carbs, rice, potatoes, with fruits and vegetables.
Dinner about the same with protein bars in between. Maybe I should keep up with macros to see where my carbs and proteins are at. I do usually gain muscle easily and respond well to exercise. My friends always thought I juiced but had never touched it. I know it’s mostly diet. I’ve always had a hard time going over 235lbs for some reason.
IMO, that is a reasonable AAS starting cycle.
If you are truly at 10% body fat, that is lean. Do you have any body parts that your definition is showing striations?
How old are you?
It’s like I hit a weight gain plateau. I know more drugs don’t help but I gotta say the anavar has helped me so much with appetite and my ability to eat more and more often. I am 35 and on my forearms I have stations and my calves
You’re eating a lot of protein bars. I would eat more non-processed food. I also wouldn’t eat chicken breasts if I’m trying to gain weight: they are stupidly lean and very satiating. I’d eat fattier cuts of meat.
You appear overly fixated on protein. That would be good during a fat loss phase, as you’d want to SPARE muscle. Here, we’re trying to BUILD muscle. You only need the amount of protein necessary to build muscle. After that, it’s a matter of consuming enough ENERGY to in order to build muscle.
So adjust my diet to more fat and more carbs and keep protein at the necessary level. Thanks!
Personally I would do the following
1.25xlbm for protein
.35xlbm for fat
Fill the rest of your calorie needs with carbs.
and no processed carbohydrates (to play it safe, with rice as the exception)
100% agree. Diet should always be as clean and consistent as possible for best results.
Cheat meal here and there is good but should be 95% clean.
Food for thought… if you just started TRT why wouldn’t you let that magic happen for a good 6 month first? The only metric you shared is 500 TT which is average for you age, indicating you don’t need TRT but further labs should be drawn to evaluate.
What you’re now taking is not TRT is a steroid regimen but sounds good for what you’re wanting. The only thing you should focus on is nutrition and training to support the drugs. However you should not be running this year round. Keep orals to a couple months max each round and the Nandrolone to 3-4 months each round. Then go back to your “TRT” baseline for awhile.
Thank you. Yes I want to cut down on damage to the liver. I’m going to run the course. I wasn’t sure if I needed to take anything away or increase anything to make sure it’s not a waste and make sure it’ll be an effective dose. I did do research before selecting these meds but everyone reacts and responds differently to them. I wanted to check in with an audience who has experience with these meds and goals to get some suggestions.
Anavar is one of the least hepatotoxic orals. I’ve even seen it argued that it’s not at all but I don’t buy that. Regardless your cycle is pretty good but just keep it at that… a cycle not a permanent regimen and then go back to your TRT.
I’m in agreement with blshaw here:
If you just started TRT and your pre TRT levels were 500.
You are now taking 200mg Test per week which could very well potentially triple your TT.
Why not give it some time and get the most out of the least?
Your going from “Never takin any PED’s”. To now taking 475mg PED’s per week. Thats a big jump from natty. What happens when you get side effects?
Is it the Test?
The AI?
The Deca? or the Var?