Test cyp, Anavar, deca

Hey all,

I’m new here so please let me know if I need to do something different or change anything.

I have been on 200mg test cyp for 8 months +tirzepatide cutting weight and a lot of running. I’ve cut way back on running hired a personal trainer and working out 6 days a week 1-1.5 hours a day. I’m considering adding a few things and switching gears as I’m down 70lbs from 245 lbs to 186lbs and reducing the tirzepatide.

I took a 300mg dose of Deca last week but wondering if that is the right move for the next 12 weeks. I also have 25 mg pills of Anavar x100 on hand but have not taken the Anavar yet knowing what it does with lipids and having blood work later this week changing clinics.

My levels lipids etc are better than they have been in 20 years as of blood work 3 weeks ago with old clinic.

Test level at 1006
Free test 2.76%
E2 38.81 pg/ml

A few initial questions

  1. Should I continue the Deca (300mg an week) and/or start the Anivar (maybe 50mg a day)or am I getting ahead of myself?

  2. What do you guys suspect will be high and low and do you think anything will be extreme on the upcoming bloodwork 8 weeks after first Deca shot?

  3. Should I remain on the tirzepatide sitting about 18-20% body fat but wanting to get to 12%

Other than my wife telling me I’m short fused at times I have responded well to everything with very few side effects and gaining a lot of muscle/definition.

I am still walking with macros not sure where my metabolism is on the tirzepatide but am now up to about 2200 calories a day and 380g of protein. I do not want to put on fat but want to lean up and get a jump on muscle sore joints and workout recovery time.

Note that I also take a statin so hopefully that would help with HDL and LDL if I introduce Anavar

Any other advice to help me get to a better spot is welcomed. I’m new to this arena and wanting to learn from others wins and mistakes.

Age 43
Sex: Male
Height: 5’11
Weight: 187lbs
Body Fat%: 19%
Experience Level: Off and on training 20 years
Amateur with personal trainer
Goals: trying to get in shape and put on a little muscle. Half my year will be bulking half will be cardio and hills getting ready for an elk hunting trip in the Rockies for 17 days.
Current compounds: test cyp 200mg weekly tirzepatide 5mg weekly (slowly coming off while figuring out macros having dropped the weight) and Nandrolone 300mg. (Also take a statin)

Nandrolone is far superior for muscle building. Many guys run it no problem, fewer get erection issues. If you can handle the Nandrolone it’s a great option for growth. I would say you should already be in shape to use it. If you’re looking for small in enhancement easier sides to manage then the Anavar is better.

Thank you for the response. I am in pretty good shape. Cardio wise I run 3 5ks a week although I’ve cut back on running as I’ve been hitting the gym 6-7 days a week with a personal trainer. Do you think blood levels will be shot 8 days after first Deca shot at 300mg? Should I add in the annivar? What are your thoughts? I am brand new to this stuff been around fitness my whole life but looking to take the next step in strength and leanness.

I’ve only had 1 Deca shot so far and not really any sides but doesn’t mean I won’t get them. My brother runs both annivar and Deca and has no issues whatsoever. I’m kinda hanging my hat on the genetics there to a degree or at least telling myself that to avoid the anxiety of how long it takes to get Deca out of your system.

If it’s any constellation his lipids etc do not crash on 42mg of annivar. I have 25mg pills so I’d be doing 50 if I add that in with the 300mg Deca 200mg test Cyp and tirzepatide. I’m also hoping that because I take a statin and LDL and HDL are on point maybe that will help some annivar sides.

Any suggestions for the new guy are appreciated. Should I start the annivar along with the test and Deca if blood levels still look good? How long do you think? Was thinking 12 weeks on Deca and doing 3 weeks on front and back end of the annivar.

dunno, what’s the point? what’s your goal? that’s a lot of Deca compared to your Test dose.

If your 20%bf you should not be touching any drugs other than your TRT.
Drop down to the 12% range and then pick up this conversation again.
You LBM is only 151.5lbs
I’m not seeing much muscle here. Can you post a pic?

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I have a long way to go. No worries if it’s not the right time for the deca. I greatly appreciate the advice.

Goal is to put on some muscle after dropping 70 lbs.

Nice work losing the weight. You look great!
If I was you I would take a few more months to tighten up a little more and get diet and training locked in and then maybe consider boosting up test a little or adding in the deca.
Start a training/diet log so we can see what’s goin on and make sure your on the right track.

Thank you. Started off on tirzepatide and running ALOT. I’m worried about macros coming off the tirzepatide. I will say that having taken 1 shot of Deca I am finally eating 2200 calories again. When I say I was in a caloric defecit I was taking in about 600 calories a day for 7 months and still running 3 5ks a week. I’m sure the trt was my saving grace for energy because I’m well aware that is not a healthy way to do it.

You know the feeling when you look in the mirror and say no more I’m done this shit is coming off. That was July 8th 2024 for me at 245lbs and have made quick work of that phase. I’m happy now but am trying to balance macros with coming off the tirzepatide and insulin levels being regulated by my body again. I do have a nutritionist and a personal trainer that is kicking my ass for 1-2 hours a day in the gym 6 days a week. 2200 calories (working up to 3200) and ~300 grams protein plus some fruit for carbs and some fiber. I am on a statin creatine coq10 and DIM+CDG They told me to cut out the heavy running and keep to zone 2 a few days a week on the peloton so I’m not burning everything I put in my body and continuing to drop. Oddly I have developed a love for running and feel guilty not doing it. I will have to kick the cardio back up in June through September getting mountain tough for the elk hunt so I do have a smaller window to bulk every year. Diet is good but need to get calories way up as body adjusts to no tirzepatide without getting fat again. I do want to put on a lot of muscle quick while I can but if deca/Anavar is not the way to go I’m all ears. Not looking for an early grave and want it to be effective. I’ll drop 20lbs while in the back country for 17 days eating only MREs. All advice welcomed.

Not sure if it was mental or not (seems to soon with deca 1 week in) but was able to rep 225 10 times at the gym tonight with ease. Last week I struggled 6x with that. Building back up. Should I just save the deca and not take week 2 or ride it out? I have 6000mg of it on hand lol. Not like it’s going to go bad and if it does I’ll just get more when the time is right.

This is scary.

It’s good that you can eat here successfully.

How long have you been off?

The thing about bodybuilding is that’s it’s a long game. There is no quick. You can take a bunch of test and deca and you will gain “size” but when you come off the size will leave as well.

This is what I would suggest. Start a training and diet log and tag me. Log all meals/workouts so we can see what’s going on and if you want to continue with the bulk we can help you make the most of it.
I think you need time off the GLP to see how your body reacts before you start ramping up cals too much.

Good luck with that

You can push ldl down but it’s likely you still notice an increase even on statins

Statins won’t cover a 50-70% decrease in HDL

The deca will also likely decrease HDL bt around 20-30%

Steroids skew lipids… for some more than others… but unanimously no one takes gear and has better lipids from the gear unless it’s like test only with a healthy lifestyle coming from a less healthy baseline

But I’d also argue at higher doses despite the lack of lipid destruction test likely isn’t the safest AAS


Agreed on holding with the deca. Wife is telling me I’m not myself on the first shot and that I’m to ornary. I’m not going to continue taking it. Will just stick to my trt.

I know it stays detectable in your system for quite a while. I can’t tell that I’m an ass other than being tight wound but how long do you think it will take for any effects of it to wear off ie temper? Tomorrow would be 1 week after first 300mg shot and already sweating like crazy skin oily as everything and most importantly a temper. No marital issues anything like that but I’m not going to take it if she thinks I’m acting short fused this soon on it. Trt has done me well.

Also should I skip my trt dose this week to let levels come down or will that swing hormones the other way?

After only 1 shot i doubt it’s the deca that’s messing with you. I’m thinking its the hormone fluctuation. Once you level out you will be fine.

Just stay on TRT schedule.

Lots of progress in 8 months. Started this journey in June 2024. I don’t believe the BF% etc on the scale. Going to get one of those water tests when I find a place close by that does them.

Should I continue to cut weight or should I be looking more at upping trt and/or var or something like that? I’ve taken the Deca and Anivar but really don’t know what the next move is to take it to the next level and worried about macros coming off the tirzepatide. I want to up protein and calories but assume that my body needs to adjust to coming out of the major calorie deficit so I don’t put the weight back on.


Nice work dude. You look great.
I would just start by slowly reverse dieting bringing up cals 200 and stay there for a few weeks to let your body find homeostasis and then repeat. This could be a long process but it will be worth it.

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Agreed test is really where it’s at man I did one bottle of tren last year and it made me nuts man trt is where I’d stay anything else for me has sides EQ=ANXIETY, DECA/TREN = CRAZY AGGRESSION, MAST WAS THE LEAST HARD ON ME BUT I DIDN’T FEEL GOOD IN GENERAL

After 1000s of dollars trying to find what was right I made it all the way back to sust and that’s where I’ve been since over all sense of well being solid lean gains no ED. Maybe pissy from time to time but that’s life . Stick with the test is my uneducated advice lol


Anybody take any supplements to control RBC and Hermatocrits while on cycle? Don’t know that mine are high but preparing for the possibility. No dizziness or headaches or anything like that but numbers were 49.9% before starting cycle so I assume the deca will push me into high territory. I donate normally but unfortunately my blood work is about 10 days before I can donate. Red Cross wants me to donate platelets next week but don’t think that has the same effect on Hermatocrits and RBC that a full donation has.

Week 3 test 200mg cup deca 300mg and annivar 25mg pre workout. Getting good results strength wise already but man I could eat a house.

I’m scared of tren. No real side effects on test c deca or annivar accept maybe wacky blood levels.

Never tried anything else.

There is really no reason to use Tren unless you are competing.