I don’t even know if this is a good idea but I really want to push myself further and see what I’m capable of. I apologize if this is too much detail but I figured it would help get the most informed response.
Been on trt for almost a year. I’m 47 and currently on 100mg/week split twice a week test-c prescribed, and taking 750iu hcg/week split in 3 doses only for cosmetic reasons. I’m down from 150mg/wk test over the last month trying to level out libido sides, and doing much better. I made the mistake of jumping up high in the beginning chasing gains and youth instead of slowly working my way up and it’s played hell on my libido. I was changing protocols every couple weeks trying to fix issues before I took advice here and gave my body time to work things out. Need to get bloods done in a few weeks on the 100mg/wk, but at 150/wk labs were 1250TT (240-950), 362FT (47-244), SHBG 25 (13.3-89.5), and E2 54 (0-56). I was dropping .25 anastrozole a couple times a week trying to fixed libido but I’m off that now and doing “better” now that I’ve dropped my dose and giving my body some time to adjust. Still only 50% of where my libido was before. That’s all stuff I’m working through and I’m confident I’ll get dialed in eventually,but I’m not happy where I’m at.
That’s the history of where I’m at. I’ve been back in the gym and feeling amazing about getting back in shape. I’m still high BF around 22% but down from 32% or so. 6’ 250lb and benching 335. TRT, cardio and better diet had me dropping body fat. Diet is shit compared to what I’ve seen on here but doing good for me. Trying to stay around net 1800 calorie with 200g protein a day. I usually fuck that up on weekends but I’m okay with my progress. Been researching and it sounds like TRT makes it pretty easy to up the test dose for a while to improve gym performance on a “mini cycle” or blast and cruise cycle without the need for PCT. Goal is bigger bulkm Don’t know much about it. Just what I’ve read. I know I probably need to drop down under 15-18%BF before I up my test dose but wanted to understand everything better while I’m working on it. Might try tirz for a couple months to jumpstart me back down.
I was originally thinking just up to 250-300mg/week and see what happens. Been reading a lot on here and really confused about needing to add primo or anything else to make it worth my while. I don’t really know anything about what else I would need to get the most out of this, and what to watch and adjust for. I don’t even know what adding primo would do. I just read other people talking about it here.
I’m looking for help with very specific opinions on test dose, cycle and off cycle schedule, other things to add in to my stack, and anything else I should know before I try this.
Sorry for all the info and hoping I can get pointed in the right direction.
If you’re struggling to dial in and have libidio issues at 150mg of test, I wouldn’t have thought a blast would be much fun for you.
I’m no expert on drugs, so I’ll stick to things I know a little bit about - you’re 6’ and 250lbs at 23% bf (almost everyone underestimates this, unless you’re using dexa scans). If correct that means you’re carrying over 57lbs of fat, I know you’re addressing this, but I would stay well clear of any notion of bulking or blasting until you’re down significantly in body fat - even if your 23% is accurate that means you’d need to drop to 220lbs to get to around 12%, without losing anything but fat. Also recognise that drugs take their toll, so you want to be confident your health is in order and your diet is on point, which you’ve admitted yours isn’t.
You’ve not even been on TRT, let alone a stable dose that works for you, for more than a year. Within that time you’ve already dropped 10% body fat, give it another year, get to 12% see how you look and feel, understand how your body responds to TRT with lower body fat and then once you’re fully compliant with diet, exercise, recovery etc. and have good health marker and happy with everything you’d be in a much better position to consider additional drugs.
That’s exactly what I needed to hear and I really appreciate the response. Since I’m already on TRT it didn’t seem like a huge step but I don’t think I was taking it as seriously as I should. Thanks for the reality check.
I’m sure I’ll be asking similar questions once I’m in a better position to move forward. Until then I’ll keep working
TRT is the gateway drug to steroid cycles lol. The weed of the hormone world. You made it a year, most guys I see posting are 3-6 months in and already itching to go.
Given your BF I’d just stay on your TRT and keep losing weight, get down below 20% at least, before considering a cycle. I really don’t advocate first cycles for fat loss or ‘recomp’ as it just won’t maximize the steroid results. Since you’re on TRT already, that should be plenty during a cut phase.
Then, take 2-3x your TRT dose for 12-20 weeks, whatever you need to meet your goals for the cycle, and see how you respond. You can always adjust as you go. Good luck
Yeah I get that. It’s hard not to think that if a little test is good a lot would be even better. On just 150mg/week I was putting on muscle fast enough that people were asking if I was on something. Would love to see how I do at 300 or 400mg.
Thanks man. For sure. I dropped the dose down a month and a half ago and got off the AI. I felt amazing before but couldn’t balance the E2 without the AI. I feel more balanced on the lower dose but definitely feel like I lost some edge in the gym. Once I drop some more BF I’ll start walking the dose back up. I’ve thought about dropping the hcg but the wife likes the big balls for now. Hopefully it’s not a big deal staying on it for a while.
Yeah, I feel you on that. I wanted to jump in right away when I started mine, but I came from prior steroid use before going on real TRT. It’s a big temptation.
300 mg will most not likely yield twice the results as 150mg.
Dosages do not really work like that.
I get your logic but it’s not a direct linear response.
I always advise folk to run test until one gets an acceptable E2 level that does not present sides, but is high enough to leverage IGF1, then add an anabolic to drive anabolism etc.
Thanks. That’s also the advice I’m looking for once I cut some more. I’ve been trying to read on here what others are running with test but I’m not 22 trying to compete. Seems like posts I read on here are younger people going all in. I’ve seen a lot of posts with people adding different things but I don’t know the benefits of each and what’s best for me . I’m 47. I’d like to bulk up some and would really like to bench 4 plates before I’m 50. What’s a good anabolic that I could add once I’m ready to bump up my test to get an extra boost?